Panarama Bar Berlin

Allo, you. Been well?

Everyone seems to love that place. Must get back over to Berlin to check it out.
Hey John...Yes all's good. Just got back from Thailand and Bali. .....But just had a few days in Berlin.
Def recommend Panarama for anybody wanting a weekend away. Good time to get there is about 9 or 10am on a Sunday morning. It goes on all day. Then the crowd moves on to Bar 25 on the river front. That was still going at 3pm Monday afternoon when I walked past.
Quite refreshing to go to the bar in Panarama and buy a beer and a Gin and Tonic and only get charged 8.50 euro..... together with a 12 euro entry and a £60.00 RT on EasyJet. It's a very accessable weekend.

Ibiza next Tuesday....who's going?
fully subscribed PBite here!!:)

3€ for a beer is class!

although, the first time i went, all every talked about was when they open the shutters for a second and then close them. like flash them open.

so the big moment came, the shutters opened a bit, some light came in, then they closed and it was dark again.!! :rolleyes::lol:
Yeah I thought it was a bit strange they did that shutter thing....Kind of thought it would be better with them open.
No...there were not many people on the lower floors, as we didn't get there until Suday morning.
Will def go back again though.
... a bit strange they did that shutter thing ...
that "shutter thing" is amazing :)
it´s a "cult" like waving to airplanes flying over borabora (b4 it became a dump).
i think that that "shutter thing" happens ca. twice/hour !
Epic place. Planning a 2nd trip for Sept.

The shutter thing is the only thing that gives you an idea what time of day it is. Was kind of surreal getting there on sat night about 4am when it was dark then dancing through to sunrise,then a bright sunny day and then sunset and back to dark over the course of a days raving.

Also strange re the no mirrors in the bathroom. Some girl drew on me with lipstick (not sure why) and didnt realise until i got out of there on Sun night I had been dancing for 10 hours looking like a kids crayon book

Still need to go again as I never even knew about the hidden rooms in Berghain! Though my fav moment was standing on the middle of the berghain dancefloor with a couple of mates and being ignored/looked at disdainfully for actually having some clothes on as well as not being a huge 6ft5 heap of muscle.
This thread is making me feel sick - going to have to book a few weekends over the summer. Nothing like a sunday at Bar 25 following a morning at Panorama.
It's called cruising. ;)

Gayers give off very mixed messages when on the pull.

Noted! Though i definately think it wasnt even so much disdain but indifference. They clearly saw me for the weedy, straight, tshirt wearing imposter I am

Good times!
Just been collecting info about Berlin for a boys trip in October. I have read many reports suggesting the door policy is really tricky? I suppose those being refused entry might be more prone to write a moaning review about the door policy than those that get in. Anyone on here ever have a problem with entry?
Just been collecting info about Berlin for a boys trip in October. I have read many reports suggesting the door policy is really tricky? I suppose those being refused entry might be more prone to write a moaning review about the door policy than those that get in. Anyone on here ever have a problem with entry?
There's far too many theories on the net about the door and what does and doesn't work, who, what, when, why etc. Who knows the true story but I will share mine from when I went to Berlin in March...

Left (Watergate) about 5am and went to Berghain to meet 2 of my mates (a couple) who were already there for the Dial night. They'd queued for about an hour and a half from 1am but got in fine. 5 of us queued up for over an hour (silly for that time in the morning!) It was a very intimidating experience and we looked very out of place if I'm honest. Saw a fair few English looking people get flat out refused. After being certain I was gonna get told to do one, me and my girlfriend stepped up. I can speak German pretty well so I dunno if that helped but after asking how many and how old we both were, we got in. My other 3 friends behind wern't so lucky however, with no reason given as to why. 2 of them went away and came back even later and got refused again. Pretty lame but I guess that's that. People inside were saying they like couples and out of my friends the 2 couples were the ones who got in.

I would say either go really early and come back (if you get in), or go really late like we did after you've been somewhere else. Either way if you get refused you won't ruin your night :)
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Is it just certain places in Berlin that have a tricky door policy or is it most pubs/clubs? I thought bouncers were a bit of a PIA in Gothenburg (Sweden). Mind you, they also tend to vary from town to town and city to city at home. I'm always the one that looks too drunk, even when I'm not. :(