Packages From US to Ibiza?


New Member
Looking to make my first trip to Ibiza. Any help on getting a good deal leaving the US would be great.
I'd strongly recommend looking at cheap flights to Great Britain and looking at the discount airlines from there. I've searched (from Toronto) and it's pretty much always been the best route. Easy Jet is the main one that flies but the more seats taken, the more the price goes up so do it soon!!
are you planning on going anywhere else in europe too? i usually fly to the UK ( because i have family there) stop for a couple of days and then get an easyjet flight over... you'll get some pretty reasonable rates that way
i'd look into British Air, i got a good deal some years ago flying out from New Olreans, all the way to ibiza,,, but since the island is becoming sooo comercial now, i'd suggest Easy Jet from the UK.. ;)

g.luck,, and wish u all a safe trip ;)...
c ya,,