pacha restaurant and club


New Member
i have heard that when eating at pachas restaurant you get free entry into the club; is this true?
i have found some blurb on pacha's website but it doesnt include a menu or anything relating to free club entry?
is there a minimum spend?
is the restaurant adjoining the club?
there is a load of replies on this somewhere.

but, save you trawling through.....

basically (and no doubt others will put their own experiences/details)...

Yes, you get into Pacha free
The food is excellent
The drinks are cheaper than in the club
I have never seen a minimum spend enforced, as long as you order a meal and a couple of drinks you will be fine.
Make sure you book, and dont book too early otherwise you will be going into an empty club after the meal!
I booked a couple of weeks before when we went. Thoroughly recommend doing this. I think we spent about €140 between the 2 of us for a fab meal and a couple of drinks (I remember having lobster) and it would have cost us €50 each just for the tickets.
Reviving an old thread for the same question...does anyone have any experience from last season on dining at the restaurant and going to the club after? Does the minimum EUR 100 per person still apply and/or was it enforced? If enforced, do they give you an actual ticket or wristband to differentiate those who spent the min amount and those who didn't so they can monitor who "wanders" into the club? Perhaps this season without parties like Tiesto, Subliminal, etc they will scale back on all of this?
If you want my advice, I just wouldn't even mention to the staff that you're intending to go into the club afterwards - remember, lots of people dine there with no intention of going into the club anyway.

Order what you want to eat and drink - you will find it very easy to spend €60+ per person anyway. Then, once you have settled your bill, say goodnight to your waiter/s, leave a sizeable tip and simply make your way into the club.

It's not like they escort you out or watch your every move like a hawk. And, as has already been mentioned in other threads, so long as you're not deliberately trying to take the piss - which is the main reason for them having introduced this policy - I really doubt anybody will care. It'd be very easy to get up from your table and wander into the club and nobody would bat an eyelid imho (so long as your bill is settled, of course)
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i've just checked this with pacha two weeks ago and the official min spend to get entrance to the club afterwards is 80€ per head.
This was introduced last year I think?

Last year was the first time I heard about it and we go there twice every year... and last year they claimed for 80€ each, we didn't eat that much (as we didn't know and weren't really hungry) so we had to buy a spirit bottle and bring our drinks (in glasses) into the club ;-) tricky but it worked :)
If you want my advice, I just wouldn't even mention to the staff that you're intending to go into the club afterwards - remember, lots of people dine there with no intention of going into the club anyway.

Order what you want to eat and drink - you will find it very easy to spend €60+ per person anyway. Then, once you have settled your bill, say goodnight to your waiter/s, leave a sizeable tip and simply make your way into the club.

It's not like they escort you out or watch your every move like a hawk. And, as has already been mentioned in other threads, so long as you're not deliberately trying to take the piss - which is the main reason for them having introduced this policy - I really doubt anybody will care. It'd be very easy to get up from your table and wander into the club and nobody would bat an eyelid imho (so long as your bill is settled, of course)

Absolutely spot on. We've done it a few times. Sometimes we've spent loads, other times not so much. As long as you don't go in and order one starter between 4 of you they don't care if you go into the club or not. If I remember rightly the restaurant toilets are 'in' the club too, so they don't watch you every time you go for a piss! Food there is excellent and drink as mentioned before in the thread is cheaper than in the club. Word of warning though, when we finished our meal last year my mate and missus had a drink at the small upstairs bar in the restaurant and were charged full club whack for their drinks, so do your 'cheap' drinking at your table..