Pacha Residents Nights


Active Member
Hi. Just seen that you are selling tickets for the Pacha residents nights starting early May but nothing for Fri, Sat or Sunday of the weekend of the 10/05.
Is there nothing on that weekend, or is something lined up that hasn't been confirmed and priced as of yet?
Many thanks,
Snapping up some tickets today for tomorrow night at Pacha. Is there a restriction on what time we need to be in the club? We don't land till 10.30ish so want to make sure we have plenty of time to get ready and have a drink etc before heading over. Cheers.
Snapping up some tickets today for tomorrow night at Pacha. Is there a restriction on what time we need to be in the club? We don't land till 10.30ish so want to make sure we have plenty of time to get ready and have a drink etc before heading over. Cheers.

Officially, ALL Pacha pre sale tickets - no matter where you buy them - state you have to be in by 1am.

Maybe in pre-season they're not that strict on this, but can't guarantee!
Thanks for the quick response. OK cool, should be fine, just don't want to be running down the road at 5 minutes to 1am.