Pacha Marrakech/general Marrakech tips/advice!

Dan x

Active Member
Off to Marrakech next month, just wanted to know if there's any must sees for first timers?

Has anyone been tot he Pacha there? What's it like? Are the restaurants worth bothering with (and is it all in one, like Ibiza, or are they detatched from the nightclub?

How much spending money does one need, probably going to do 4 clubs... (joking!)

I went to the Pacha Marrakech just after it first opened back in 2005.

It was really impressive as a venue and and quite surreal (blokes dressed in hoods on the door like giant jawas and flames shooting up from the floor (perhaps i'd imagined that bit?) but the atmosphere in the club was more exclusive than fun loving as it seemed to attract the local VIP crowd. However I've heard it's really upped it's game over recent years.

Other venues I like there are:

Jad Mahal
Le Comptoir
L'Italienne at La Mamounia Hotel
La Sultana

Lots of hotel bars, Bar / restaurants, colonial stylee, with hookahs (pipes not proz) and piano players.

I'd avoid walking about aimlessly on a night trying to find where to go next but decide in advance and bar hop with a taxi.

The central hotel bars give lots of old school cool but the outlying newer areas are apparently a bit Marbella.

Have a trip up to the Atlas mountains if you get a chance, we stopped off at Richard Branson's place on the way and had a look around. Amazing.

I think agentundercover proposed to his missus over there ?

Marrakech is great, love it. You'll have a ball! 8)
Oh, and don't buy a tortoise and smuggle it out of the country in a fag packet. It's highly illegal.