P. Diddy on his DC10 inspiration

“What happens in Ibiza stays in Ibiza. But I have experienced Ibiza to the fullest. I definitely experienced Ibiza to its fullest. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a legend in Ibiza. I'm actually a legend in Ibiza. I'm not exaggerating. I'm actually a legend. You can read between the lines.” Erm, OK then.


The videos kicking about on youtube of him gubbing swedgers on the dancefloor definitely helped the club's reputation.
gubbing = eating
swedgers = sweeties, but not the kind you used to buy in Woolies
welcome to scotland:p:p8)8)

also to add to the scottish clubbing dictionary:

taps aff - gosh its warm in here, i will need to take off my t-shirt (*note t-shirt, no ****ing vests in scotland); can also be used (and mainly is now) to be sarcastic in terms of laughing at people getting too carried away and/or folk that are total neds.

MWI - mad with it....too much booze & pills...ie, i was totally MWI,

here we ****ing go...everyone loves:evil: a wee chorus of this a in club.;):oops:

one more tune...its the end of the night, your in the arches / subclub...you dont want to go home, the lights are on, but you demand one last track...the chant goes up...8)
Slight variation: 'on the swedge' ;)
:confused: to anyone outside Scotland
also the mdma variant:

on the madman

double dunt (2 pills at once go)

what pills you got? £10 bangers...nah, couldnt get any, only got some council pills. (i.e cheap snide ones bzp, pips, need to take about 10 of them:)
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guess where is he at the moment?!

Lol He returned to DC10 Then, Everyone has to remember that most well 99% of Rappers are from the street. A place like DC10 will be amazing to them, the probably need a break from the V.I.P Stuff. I actually think he means it & loves the place...8)

I have decided to go twice now tbh in my 2 week stay.
here we ****ing go...everyone loves:evil: a wee chorus of this a in club.;):oops:

I HATE this and could kill whoever it was who invented it. Thankfully I've not been to a club in Scotland since about 1999 so only have to hear it if there are Scots in whichever club I happen to be in.
I HATE this and could kill whoever it was who invented it. Thankfully I've not been to a club in Scotland since about 1999 so only have to hear it if there are Scots in whichever club I happen to be in.
:lol::lol: a few of my pals are totally mortified if they hear that chant going up,, its very TITP, taps aff crowd material.

again its kinda used as a joke when were out these days as a descriptive term for getting carried away / going too far. / or type of people..:lol:

not to be done in the arches / sub club or anywhere else really.

i do remember, and will put my hands up to an incident last year at Sonar by Night on the bus back into barcelona, getting the whole bus to join in (nb: see above note on getting carried away..the joke was taken a bit too far on this occassion...caught in the moment......the spanish and others did seemed to be into it mind......:oops::p
Its usually the folk who think there to cool for school that hate the 'here we ****ing chant'. Its just a laugh and folk really need to chill out.
here we ****ing go...everyone loves:evil: a wee chorus of this a in club.;):oops:

In a similar vein, us English, or at least Southerns have the highly effective "let's go ****in' mental" chant.

I get the impression it is largely terrace hooliganism inspired!

When I went to Malia a large group of heavily tattooed National Front-esque characters started this and soon the whole strip was joining in. They weren't being aggressive per se, just a bit loud and obnoxious.

Anyway, the police didn't take too kindly to it and went into them with batons to kneecaps :lol:

Brought a tear of joy to my eye that did!

As for the "one more song" - once upon a time I felt it actually had a place. Trouble is you here every f'n night nowadays - depending on where you go of course.
today's ultima hora includes pictures of him in the dj booth of amnesia last friday, pretending to dj next to carola.....