Oxford clubs?

Lived there for 17 years and there's not a single club / music bar I'd recommend going in, open deck sessions or no open deck sessions !
That is my neck of the woods, and as it has been said it is very slim pickings round here. However, I will see what I can find, I have a couple of friends in the same situation.

I used to live around that way but just ended up going to London for nights out. Maybe someone should start a night?

Back room of the Bullingdon Arms in Cowley used to be the closest thing to somewhere 'go-able' ... but last time I was in there it was truly horrendous. The city is drunken rowdy student central with both Brookes and Oxford Unis providing ample fodder. Couple of decent-looking nights last year folded on the day before even opening. Other than that it's dubstep, Levels or (bad !) live bands .. take yer pick :lol:.

Can't see Park End Club (a.k.a. 'Park yer End'), most often imbued with the heady aroma of vomit thinly masked with bleach, choosing anyone to play anything other than a hit parade :(.

Thing is with buses to Victoria at £10 return owing to the price war that's raged for years and years, most Oxford dwellers who are in any way 'selective' about their music just go to London for a night out instead. But there was a time many years ago when the odd decent night could be had so nothing's impossible ;).