out'n'about over the bank holiday


No longer active
went to an interesting party on curtain road last night. Was in bed and someone phoned up at midnight and said "you gotta come out, you boring XXXX" so headed up to shoreditch and blagged it in. Profuse apologies to "Dean Parfitt" if he cdn't get in :oops:

quality space on the corner where curtain road meets gt eastern street - a tad too many scenesters for my tastes but was able to overlook that

will saul was excellent (techy, not too hard) as indeed was kyle hall (more detroit-flavoured)(watch that name for the future, he is gonna be big)


joy orbison - a weird mix of dubstep, speed garage meets mid90s house and loads of glitchy earsplitting basslines. Felt like I'd been transported back to a former life. Wasn't this what todd edwards used to play?? :confused: I don't understand the fuss and all the blog masturbation about Joy Orbison or that dubstep scene. Maybe I'm oldfashioned (or just old?) but whatever happened to tunes and djs taking you on journeys?

then we went on to the star of bethnal green morning party. Really, really good, people were getting down but not too messy. (the royal oak or old blue this ain't!) Nice mellow house, some disco, a lot of classics ride the white horse, adventures in success etc Bee shiver was playing. Very good selector, worth checking if you also like that groovy 120bpm vibe.

anyone make it to eastern electrics? there was talk, but it remained talk.

all this was achieved stone cold sober :eek:, drove home this morning shattered, only to be woken by tw-atmate hoovering outside door at 4pm. Selfish cow. I need to relocate ASAP. any suggestions for decent/cheap-ish areas in the smoke welcome? Sadly not Spain. Yet. :confused: