Our little Ibiza Adventure, September 2016


Active Member
Hi everyone, as my name suggests im Mickey, I have sat in the back ground and used the forum for a while but never really posted anything so I have thought I would get involved and share my trip/story with you all as I have read a few in the past and often found them really interesting, I hope I can return the favour :)

So here goes, the story begins when the news broke about Space closing at the end of the season and also Carl Cox bringing an end to his residency, the group unanimously agreed that we needed to attend one last time (or first in mine and some others cases) to see the Carl Cox doing his thing at Space. Moving forward several months the annual leave is booked, the holiday is booked, a couple of the events are booked, money is sorted, just a few bits and bobs to sort but were almost ready for out Ibiza adventure, myself and 15 others, a mixed bag of age, sex, status, interests which somehow works a treat. We arrive in Ibiza 04/09 for 4 nights (some are staying longer), staying an San Antonio at the Adelino Hostal , for what will hopefully be the best 4 days/nights of our lives and create memories to last a lifetime.

On previous trips we have spent hours after hours looking at the spotlight calendar and then arguing amongst ourselves trying to put an itinerary together to accommodate everyone, to then arrive and it normally goes out the window within about 1 hour. So this time we have decided on a few things but also left plenty of gaps to just see what happens. So the plan looks like this….

Sunday - Day – Travel to Ibiza > sunset strip, Night - Warriors @ Sankeys

Monday- Day - Hired a couple of boats, Night - TBC

Tuesday - Day – TBC, Night – Carl Cox @ Space

Wednesday - Day – TBC, Night – potentially going out for a nice meal / drinks

Thursday – Day – Travel home (sad face)

Might look tame to some on the party front but I we want to enjoy as much as possible in the short space of time available rather than just being out all night and suffering all day, as I mentioned we are keeping a few blanks (TBC) to just see what happens, with the group being so big people might split up and do their own thing, I really like the idea of using one of the days to explore the island a little and maybe hire some quads (or something along those lines).

Before the little adventure, I was hoping the spotlight community, can help with me some things…

Can anyone recommend a restaurant for the potential last supper?

I think the plan for the boats is to head towards Formentera, can anyone recommend any stops along the way?

Any spots you recommend going to explore while renting quad bikes?

Any other suggestions you want to throw into the mixer are welcome?

Any tips for things locally to the hotel for drinks/food?

I will aim to provide a review of each day/event, hopefully I can entertain you with our story, and maybe even cross paths with some of you on the island :)
If you're staying in San An and want somewhere local but awesome for a final meal it's got to be Tapas (across the road from the back of Burger King and a 5 min walk up the road)
I think that you are trying to do too much over your 4 nights. Not particularly clubbing wise but when you add in all the other stuff you will be too tired to enjoy it, i.e. boat, quad.

What type of boats are you hiring, do they come with a skipper? Fomentera may look close but its a fair way in a smaller boat especially if its choppy.
... We arrive in Ibiza 04/09 ...

Sunday - Day – Travel to Ibiza > sunset strip, Night - Warriors @ Sankeys
only 4 days ?! then skip that.
better go to destino for rumours after the sunset.
and later on solomun @ pacha !
If you're staying in San An and want somewhere local but awesome for a final meal it's got to be Tapas (across the road from the back of Burger King and a 5 min walk up the road)

Cheers, will bare that in mind.

I think that you are trying to do too much over your 4 nights. Not particularly clubbing wise but when you add in all the other stuff you will be too tired to enjoy it, i.e. boat, quad.

What type of boats are you hiring, do they come with a skipper? Fomentera may look close but its a fair way in a smaller boat especially if its choppy.

fair point, part the reason why they are left free to see how we feel on the day, its all just ideas atm.
re the boats, yes they come with a skipper, we might not actually get as far round as Formentera but I think the plan is to head that way, maybe we will only go as far as Blue Marlin and that area.
only 4 days ?! then skip that.
better go to destino for rumours after the sunset.
and later on solomun @ pacha !

Destino was mentioned but not sure that time we would get there, we land around 5/6, from what I have seen im it doesn't look as though the main stage (if you want to call it that) opens for Rumours, is that correct?

Not many in the group are massive fans of Pacha, however they all love Sankeys so Warriors pleased the vast majority of the group
I thought as much, I will suggest it to the group however I think everyone has their hearts set on sunset strip and Warriors to begin with. I was hoping to catch one of the Luciano or Solomum nights at Destino but we miss them, do they have any other events on that might not be on the calendar?
re the boats, yes they come with a skipper, we might not actually get as far round as Formentera but I think the plan is to head that way, maybe we will only go as far as Blue Marlin and that area.

Yeah if the sea is choppy it slows you right down and unless you want to be crashing every wave the repeated speed up/slow down hammers the gas also. Getting to Formentera from San An burns a LOT of fuel it's much less to reach Ses Illetes from Ibiza Town Marina. Bank on about 100 Euros more fuel than getting round as far as Blue Marlin. There are much more tranquil spots to go to heading North from San An with fewer boats crowding the bays but if you really do want to head West instead you can stop at Atlantis and that's always a real treat. Just be sure to do the decent thing and turn off the sound system there is nothing worse for everyone else than music blasting from boats when you reach one of the most magical places on the island.

Who are you renting them from ?
I'll finish my review tonight, our story is very similar to yours including Sunday to Thursday!

We came back a couple of days ago.

Unfortunately my review won't be of the quality of letsgetdown etc
Loving the review and your trip does sound really similar to ours.

I completely forgot about Retro on the Monday, that could be a good shout for some of us after the boats during the day.
Right guys, see if I can entertain some off you....

Day 1 - firstly travelling over to Ibiza was perfect, no delays, no issues, perfect start. We landed around 5/6...we are finally here!! jumped in a taxi and headed to San An nightclub/people spotting along the way all getting very giddy. Got to the hostel and checked in, Hostel Adelino for anyone who is interested, not the best hostal but it certainly did the job, although the air con in our room was useless

Then it was a case of dropping the bags and heading straight out, bit by bit the entire group all met up at the Sunset strip where many a drink were sank and we enjoyed the sunset which just seems to get better every time you see it. we then headed back to the hostel around 9pm so everyone could get sorted for the night ahead, several more drinks were drank and supplies had arrived, everyone was getting in the mood, we all jumped in taxis over to PDB around 11pm and met up again in Cocos for a drink or 2 (starting to understand why I was quite drunk now) before heading to Sankeys for Warriors.

We arrived in Sankeys around 1/2, opening the big double doors to the thumping sound which sent shivers down my back, felt good to be in a night club (its not often we go clubbing these days to explain the situation). it was fast becoming abit of a nightmare to keep around 16 of us together so we then started to split up and I and a few others headed to the lab which was empty at this point for a drink, we returned to the main room and got in the thick of it for a about 30 mins or so before heading out to the terrace for a wonder and some fresh air. at this point I had dropped one of my supplies and was patiently waiting for the magic to happen, one of the girls was stressing about how busy it was out there so we headed into the Lab were it was cooler and you had more space, she then stopped worrying and enjoyed herself, literally a couple of minutes after checking she was alright the magic began and I had to ask her to keep an eye on me, the rush was pretty intense...but good, and before I know it I was in la la land dancing the night away!!! over the next few hours we moved about throughout the club to check out all the different rooms, including talking to a bunch of Irish lads for a while on the terrace. most of this period is a blur and I cant really remember anything specfic other than saying Mr Vincent floating about in the crowd at some point. I was loving this, probably looked a twat in my state but I was happy as larry enjoying myself. Bit by bit the group got smaller and smaller as some headed home, finally about 6 I was coming back round to a normal level and me and my mate (the last survivors) decided to call it a night and get a taxi back, quick shower as I felt grim, and it was time for a disco nap before day 2.

It felt good to be back in Ibiza :-D
Sorry for the delay, I normally visit the forum from work and it’s been pretty hectic since returning, anyway Day 2…

After a few hours’ sleep I was alive again, spent the rest of the morning chilling in then hotel area waiting for others to surface, I had my eye on that pool since arriving in the hotel to jump into following the night out to clear any sort of a hangover, it worked a treat. After a few hours it was time to get sorted and head down the marina and meet in one of the bars (not sure on the name but right next to the marina in San an) for a drink and a bite to eat, the thought of eating anything solid was almost too much to handle as my mouth was in a bit of state from visiting la la land the night before so I opted for the soup which went down a treat.

Having all been fed and watered we met up with the boat guys and jumped onto the boats (we had 2 due to the size of the group)….quick review on the boats, they were spot on, and the captains were equally as spot on, I think it cost us the best part of £1800 (ended up being about £100 each) for both boats and it was worth every penny, they even came stocked with alcohol which supplied more than what any of us expected. (I will find out the company and share that for anyone interested)…So far so good everyone is happy, we get settled on the boats and away we go.

We headed out of the marina and headed towards the cliffs with the lighthouse, at this point I was sat at the front of the boat, with a straw had I had acquired from one of the girls with a glass of champers in hand (don’t judge, it came with the boat, I’m from Yorkshire we don’t refuse anything given), according to the 2nd boat I looked like king dick sat there while the girls kept topping me up :-D. this was heaven, the sun was shining, drinks were flowing, and I was just taking in everything around me.

Throughout the day we stopped at various points but the highlight was when we pulled into one and was having trouble with the stereo on our boat and next thing I know our music turns off and Spandau Ballet – Gold starts blaring out, no panic we just went with it, it was highly amusing seeing everyone in the bay and the other boat just staring and laughing thinking what on earth is going on. Also bear in mind I was still sat at the front of the boat like king dick haha. We stopped in the bay for a short while and everyone went for a swim and abit of snorkelling, it was a lovely spot, perfectly clear blue water, there looked to be some sort of wooden shack at the top of the cliffs near the bay if that helps anyone understand the location, somewhere between San an and Es Vedra, the captain did tell me but it’s since slipped my mind.

We all got back on the boats and a few really wanted to head to Blue Marlin so the captains put the foot down and we headed round, by the time we made it to Blue Marlin a fair few drinks had been sank and the majority of our boat were well on their way. The majority then went into Blue Marlin for an hour or so and some of us just needed a break from the group and stayed and relaxed on the boats, a decision I would later regret as when the group returned they couldn’t wait to share the news they had only met David Coulthard (Former F1 driver for anyone thinking who is he) who had bought them all a drink and even invited everyone back onto his personally yacht! The group had to politely decline the offer, but this moment made one of the guys holiday who was sat there for the next hour or so with the biggest smile I ever seen and abit star struck.

We then had to make our way back towards San an to make the sunset with one final stop at Es Vedra. Such an amazing spot, so picturesque. At this point disaster hit us and one of the boats had broken down, luckily we had 2 boats so while the captains were preparing to tow the boat back to San An we got one final chance for a dip in the sea. This delay obviously put paid to any chance of us making it back to San an for the sunset outside the Sunset strip but we got to witness it from out at sea which was equally as amazing and bearing in mind we were on the Sunset strip the first night no one had any complaints, I even got the chance to take control of the boats for short while J

We eventually made it back to the marina after one of most enjoyable I had ever had, I would highly recommend anyone going plans something similar, it’s worth every penny.

The plan was then to head back to the hotel, quick shower and get changed and we were staying local and going to Retro @ Itaca for “a few” drinks, however because it was around 10pm before we got back and due to one reason or another people were dropping like flies, we were still in the hotel at midnight so I decided to call it a night as I had one eye on Tuesday which meant Carl Cox @ Space, I planned the holiday for this night so there was no way I was going to let anything ruin it. Some of the group went out as planned and returned Tuesday afternoon haha

And that was day 2.