Opening parties vs closing parties???

I love the closings.... everyone goes nuts. and there is something about walking out of space, knowing thats the summer done and dusted.
the openings are more frustrating to me because i have to come away, knowing so much fun to be had.
Closings next year (if not this year) have to done. It's been a long term plan for a good few years but I've just never managed it for one reason or another. The openings were possibly on the cards but Austria has pretty much ruled those out now.
It's after the closing parties that can be depressing - especially if you fly straight home. Too much of a comedown for me all that at this time of year nowadays... and too much to sort out afterwards ! If you get 4 days of sunshine and guilt-free limited activity to follow - and stay on to enjoy the island - it probably helps, but I'm not usually in any fit state to really enjoy much after all that - for a good while !