Online/Presale entry at Pacha?

I'm wondering if anybody knows how strict Pacha is with the internet sales/Guestlist entry tickets?

I bought some for Pacha through Ibiza Spotlight and find this on all Pacha tickets :-

All ticket holders must enter the club before 1 am (2.30 am if you have booked a VIP table). This rule applies to online sales as well as pre-sale on the island. :eek:

How true/strict are they? Has anyone been in around 1.30am or 2 am with a presale or online ticket before?

Would be good to know...
basically, the rule applies exactly as it is written.

we don't advise anyone to go later than the time indicated. we've heard that in less busy nights at the start of the season, it was no problem to get in a bit later, but now in august, with every night at pacha being packed, i wouldn't take the risk.
We rocked up to Pacha at nearly 3am in Sept 2010, was a wednesday night, and had no problem getting in. Probably wouldn't risk it again though, not THAT late anyway...