Avant Garde Experimental Music

Funky Backing Tracks

Funky Backing Track (Night Flowers) Funky BT in C
Funky Backing Track (Night Shadow) Funky BT in C

Best Regards,
To be continued..
Ionian Resources - How to Play Ionian Scales, Arpeggios, Chords, Licks, Solos...

Ionian Scale and Different Ionian Scales
Ionian b6 Scale
Ionian b3 Scale
Ionian #5 Scale
Pentatonic Ionian Scale
Dorian Resources - How to Play Dorian Improvisations

How to Play Dorian Guitar Improvisations
How to Play Dorian Scale Improvisation A B C D E F# G
How to play Dorian Guitar Solo in the (II) Major Mode of C
Dorian Resources - How to Play Dorian Chord, Dorian Arpeggio, Dorian Lick

How to Play the Arpeggio of the II Dorian Major Mode of C
How to Play Dm7 the Chord of the II Dorian Major Mode of C
How to Play Dorian Guitar Lick of II Dorian Major Mode of C
Dorian Resources - How to Play the Different Dorian Scales

How to Play Different Dorian Scales
How to Play the Dorian b5 Scale
How to Play the Dorian b2 Scale
How to Play the Dorian #4 Scale
How to Play the Blues Dorian Hexatonic Scale