Olympics 2012 - Absolute farce of ticket sales


Active Member
Have had a chunk of money sat in my current a/c waiting patiently for something to be taken would then have tried to work out what tickets I had purchased.

Not only has the date on which funds were supposed to be taken moved three times, they are not informing successful applicants until 24th June what tickets they have obtained.

People who didn't have the finds in place will have until 10th June to get funds into their a/c and will be contacted by the payment company. WHY????? Just try other people who were waiting patiently ffs.

Upshot is, the final payment collection passed last night and not a single ticket of the twelve applied for yet the Olympic committee and cronies will have a sackful apiece.

Bitter, you bet.
On a brighter note, does anyone have any happy Olympic ticket stories?:D


Well yes, the missus and I registered, but then didn't get around to ordering anything, so consequently, we have no expectations to be dashed. So, all's well that ends well!8)
Put my name down for 5 different events, not all the major one's I'd add and so far no money has been taken out.

Can only assume I didn't get a single event.

Complete shambles.

Looking at a postive side of it, just means I have more spare cash for this coming weekend to Ibiza.
We ordered some - no money come out so assuming thats it - no tickets

Found it annoying they only took Visa!!
I put my name down for 5 events,

I have been picked for egg & spoon, sack race and musical statues

Cannot have had the right experience for the other two so best get started on practicing for the above 3

Pretty good at musical statues but the other two are a bit iffy
Is this true?

Olympics: Man gets £11,000 of tickets after bidding for £36,000

Hundreds of thousands of people may have missed out on their chance to experience the Olympics first hand, but one man has won £11,000 worth of tickets after bidding on a total of £36,000 worth.

Stephen Hunt, an insolvency practitioner, said he had surpassed his credit limit and did not have the available funds to pay for the tickets. "My assumption was, based on the rules, that I would get nothing," he told the Today programme.

There will be frustration and anger from some who failed to get tickets after it emerged that at some events 50% of the tickets will go to sponsors and officials.

How can this be right? Capitalism and cronyism gone mad.
There will be frustration and anger from some who failed to get tickets after it emerged that at some events 50% of the tickets will go to sponsors and officials.

How can this be right? Capitalism and cronyism gone mad.

I think it's only fair that the most important and wealthy get the best tickets.

If people were really bothered, they could have worked harder and made more money. To be fair, they all had years of notice.

I think Grego's got some tickets he's touting around if you're interested.
I am sure there will be plenty of spare seats for things like clay-pigeon shooting & archery if you turn up on the day

Doubt there will be many empty seats for the beach volleyball
I think it's only fair that the most important and wealthy get the best tickets.

If people were really bothered, they could have worked harder and made more money. To be fair, they all had years of notice.

I think Grego's got some tickets he's touting around if you're interested.

After the comments from Seb Coe warning everyone the opening ceremony will be nothing like the scale of Bejing, it's probably a lucky escape I didn't get any tickets! A large party single ignition firework box and a party can of tetleys with the money saved will do nicely :D:D
I'm not surprised at all that most of the tickets will end up in the hands of either corporate sponsors or the elite, its the same for most large sporting events in this country. Don't agree with it but personally I would rather watch the events i want to see on the tv, rather than sit and watch some minor event at vast expense. will save my money for Ibiza and fetivals.
If the alternative was a mad scramble at 9am on one day with the touts making a fortune, i'd go for the process they did or similar.
Statistically we are an unlucky lot on this thread!

Reading reports, it suggests only 250,000 people of 20,000,000 applicants ended up with no tickets whatsoever. Call me cynical but the figure of 250,000 reads like utter bullfeathers.
Olympics 2012

Olympics 2012 another Millennium dome fiasco ?
loose billions ? the best way to see it is on the television but what a load of fuss
Someone will be on the fiddle or corrupt the same as the Bankers ,MPs and FIFA
Who next ? :spank:
I can think of better ways to spend the money ( a boody good holiday in Ibiza ) :)
I spent my musical career on the fiddle and end up on the drums