Old Space video

Looney O'Mooney

Active Member
I remember, donkeys years ago, seeing a video o the internet of Space when it was shut.

It was perhaps five minutes long and featured someone doing a piece to camera which was essentially a 'tour' around the club. This is the terrace, here is the DJ booth, follow me into the Discoteca, sort of thing.

These were the good old days of the terrace when it a had a few sheets over it and no proper roof. The DJ booth on the terrace was also where it is at the moment rather than behind the bar so that might give you an idea of the era.

A bottle of San Miguel if anyone knows of, or can link to, a copy of said video.
Sounds like it could be the dvd from one of the old Azuli Space albums, maybe 2004 or 2005?? Havent seen it on youtube though
Ive got the 2004 one and im sure its just clips of the club whilst in full swing, wish it was still the flippin same as 04...