OK, Question about drinking......


Active Member
Is drinking a bottle of wine a night or 4 cans of lager a night a problem, even if the individual shows no signs of being worse for wear at work the next day.

Is that classed as being a problem drinker....

btw - its a girl - I know the weekly amount is meant to be 14 units - but I am pretty sure most people drink more than that a week, so what i am saying is should I be keeping an eye on an individual who admits to drinking this much every night..... :?:?:confused:
I'd say yes. It's a problem.

And that's coming from someone who reliably consumes over 40 of these arbritrary "units" per week! :lol:

Seriously, though, I had a friend back home, a girl, who would go through a six-pack of 33cl beer cans a night. Eventually, it started getting closer to a 12-pack. Then came the incidents (chasing the cat across a highway, nearly running over a friend, burning a hole in her arm with a lighter, etc.).

This is all over the course of years, mind you. It's a downward spiral.

Eventually, she sought counseling and joined AA. She's lucky to be alive, really.

Not that your friend is going down this route. But that's a lot of alcohol for casual use. Not just a beer or two after work.
it isnt affecting her work on a day to day basis but put it this way - she is off for her first full medical health check at work today - and I know she has lied on her form of how much she drinks, because she told us this morning - so she obviously thinks its a prob if she has to lie......

I am worried about her - she's excellent at her job and I would hate to see her cock up and lose the job... she's too good to lose from the team...

Should I just say nothing or should I say something and make me look like a nosey boring old crow???? I am in a quandry :confused:

Oh she says she has always drank like that - and it helps her sleep.... so....
Some of my mates do that in a lunch time!

I like a drink with the best of em but I wouldn't sit in and do that every night. Sometimes even when out with the missus having a meal I don't have a drink as just don't fancy it.

Surely no-one actually likes lager???? I only put myself through it as it's means to an end!! Must admit though sometimes after a hard day that first pint of Stella can be heavenly!

Same as champagne! Not really the greatest of taste but boy can I get sozzled on the stuff!!!
Is drinking a bottle of wine a night or 4 cans of lager a night a problem, even if the individual shows no signs of being worse for wear at work the next day.

Is that classed as being a problem drinker....

btw - its a girl - I know the weekly amount is meant to be 14 units - but I am pretty sure most people drink more than that a week, so what i am saying is should I be keeping an eye on an individual who admits to drinking this much every night..... :?:?:confused:

If it was anywhere but newcastle I would say yes pups you Do have problem....however as its newcastle I would say are you/they cutting down for a reason?
There is no way I could drink a bottle a night, it would seriously affect me. I mean I am no angel - a night out at the weekend with the girls could result in me drinking more then what she is in a week.....but on the very off chance. And then I dont drink anything during the week whatsoever. I just never really fancy it.

It sounds like a hard one to approach...........so if she admits it then there is a chance people might think different? Even though she originally said different (and lied)
hmmmmm I might leave it a few weeks and see how she is.....

I thought it was just me being a lightweight but it seems from your responses that its quite a large amount to drink every night.....:?:?
Just imagine drinking that much every night, thats what at least 4 glasses? I know some people say they like a glass to unwind with but not sure about a whole bottle.....
Horses for Courses!! If she kept that up for a while, she'd start drinking something harder! Wine/beer is fine, but keep an eye on her! If she speak to her correctly, it shouldn't be a big issue!
hmmmmm I might leave it a few weeks and see how she is.....

I thought it was just me being a lightweight but it seems from your responses that its quite a large amount to drink every night.....:?:?

It is probably just on the limit for keeping your act together.

A bottle of wine for me is pretty tipsy, but not smashed - I can operate at 90% in work the next day - enough to get by. Longer term tho it will do the person in - and 90% is ok so long as that is not a very regular thing.

However I guess until actual performance deteriorates there aint a great deal you can do. Also as with anything, it is bound to increase as resistence builds up.

But obvious question is why the need for every night - is there a deeper issue? If you say to me you drink one pint, or smoke one J an evening (as an example of another poison), I would probably shrug my shoulders - same as loads of people do it is probably for relaxation. But a bottle or 5 joints suggests bigger issues and underlying addiction.

I'd say it may well be appropriate to explore the wider context of the persons life to see if there is anything else thats leading to it.


DR A Undercover (PHD)
Depends on the person, older generations did this all the time. I know people that have drunk a bottle wine everyday for the last 20 years, doesn't affect them at all, so as a "problem" goes. It's like smoking, it's not actually detrimental to life quality at present, obviously has it's long term effects though. However, they do say drinking continously without giving the liver time to repair itself etc. is very very bad. I wouldn't interfere though unless your dead good mates, can't see it ending positively at all with regards to your relationship, all though it might make her wake up a little. But alchohol can be more devastating than anyone thinks, the problem is genetic, one side of my family have had big problems with it and therefore we all have to be a little careful, just hopefully this girl has someone a bit closer to home who can help her out.
I would say that it's quite a lot. Especially if it's routinely every night.
But you are going to have to be very diplomatic if you want to say anything.
My sister in law started on a few Pils lagers every night which progessed to half a bottle of Vodka a day.
Not so much you would think...
But if you don't eat that much...
Well, it killed her within 3 years.
it isnt affecting her work on a day to day basis but put it this way - she is off for her first full medical health check at work today - and I know she has lied on her form of how much she drinks, because she told us this morning - so she obviously thinks its a prob if she has to lie......

I am worried about her - she's excellent at her job and I would hate to see her cock up and lose the job... she's too good to lose from the team...

Should I just say nothing or should I say something and make me look like a nosey boring old crow???? I am in a quandry :confused:

Oh she says she has always drank like that - and it helps her sleep.... so....

want me to have a word? ill soon sober her up:lol:
I drank every nite for over 7 months before but that's because a friend of mine was killed in a fire and it hit me and my mates very hard and this was my way of coping with it,thankfully i got myself together but it was a difficult time for me and my mates.