Off Season Work


New Member
I'm from the US and hoping to move to Ibiza for a year with my girlfriend (who is from Amsterdam) who has a graphic design job there. I'm a DJ and club promoter in my home city, but I recognize it's probably not easy to just start doing that in a place like Ibiza without first living there a while and making contacts. So I'll probably work in a bar or restaurant. I hear a lot about getting there in late April to find the best jobs. Does this mean there are no jobs in the off season for people like me? Would it be hard to find a job I could keep year-round?

Also, we're planning to get married so that I can live and work in Europe. I assume this is really the only way I could do that. Is this so?

Jason AKA DJ Catalyst
I would imagine, (but I don't have no knowledge or experience) that there would be a big queue for unemployment benefit come the end of the season