Octotober - what's open and what's not


Active Member
We have just booked a holiday to ibiza - san an bay - arriving on the 4th of October, 2008 and after reading a few posts on here have come to the conclusion that many places are closing down earlier each year. Can anyone who has experienced Ibiza in early October let me know if most bars/shops etc.. are open. I don't want to arrive with all my friends and family and find that it's a ghost town.
it won't be a ghosttown when you arrive, but in fact many shops and bars will be closing down in that week. but there will still be enough places open (bars and restaurants), so i'll guess you'll be fine!
round about the 20th of oct lastyear .it started to get less and less busy.in playa den bossa.nice time of year to go really.you can get around more.and locals ie bars ect,have more time to chat with you.plus sales in shops.1/2 price.top brand stuff has well.
do not worry

:lol:i live and work in san an bay, and we were very busy right until last day of october, most of the restaurants and shops stayed open until at least the 20th , and still enough stayed open until the 30th... you can check my homepage(link) and see the photographs from last october.. xxx you will have a great time. where are you staying?:lol:
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