

New Member
Hello people,

got a bit of a problem, me & my mate had arranged to go to ibiza for the first week in sept as we do every year, but this year for some reason we left it a bit late. now because of the number of us that are goin we cant get the same single week of work anytime in august or september:(. some one suggested goin for the first week in oct for closing parties, had a look on the clubbing calender and not much is shown for that week. is it to be updated?

is it worth goin the first week of october this year, does any1 know of any closing parties that will be on, is any1 goin themselves or is a waste of time?

It depends...if you enjoy the island when it's quiet then it's a great idea.

It's never like when the season is in full swing though. Don't expect a heaving Ibiza town, packed beaches and things to do every night.

Space & DC10 closing will be the main events but outside of this it'll be a bit boring on the club front...

tbh if you're only there for a clubbing holiday then this bit could be a tad depressing. ;)
Tell the ones who can not go in september to do one! being brutal, i think your there for the clubs & as Rodber says, your looking at the very last of closings - then nothing.

Altho I am sure there would still be events etc - the main events will have closed by then.

good luck!
we went last year for the We Love closing and found that most of the big promoter parties had packed up and gone

1 week later (as you are suggesting) will mean even fewer options
aye, split the group

just go with the folk who can go when you go

not ideal but no point going at a time that doesn't suit you, especially as Ibiza is quite an expensive holiday for Brits this year.
The 1st week in October is one of the best times to go of the whole year.
There are parties all week.
You'll have Space closing on the Sunday, DC10 on Monday followed by the unmissable Al Ayoun, KM5 , Blue Marlin closings.
The best crowd too.