Ocean beach ibiza


New Member
Would people say this was worth a look

has anyone been was the deal do you pay for a bed in the day and then have to pay in again at night?
sorry I'm new just done the search sorry bet its annoying people posting millions of the same thread ha looks ok but on the fence about it all doesn't look like it gets busy at the night and unsure on how it is in the day hmmm
sorry I'm new just done the search sorry bet its annoying people posting millions of the same thread ha looks ok but on the fence about it all doesn't look like it gets busy at the night and unsure on how it is in the day hmmm

Don't be sorry, was just saving someone moaning about search function. Not that that happens on here it's quite a friendly bunch really :) The last thread was closed for obvious reasons, the mods may not want this one going the same way :lol:
Don't be sorry, was just saving someone moaning about search function. Not that that happens on here it's quite a friendly bunch really :) The last thread was closed for obvious reasons, the mods may not want this one going the same way :lol:

haha cheers think il just see when i get there if anything id prob go in the day rather than night last thing id want to do its pay 45 euro to get in and it be dead
I've not been but my friends go a couple of times a week and really rate it :confused:

hmm think il just have to try it once and see how i go then least i know if its poo i just dont bother again got lots of other events within the week im there so it would just be a go and see what its all about then thats it done.

we went a few weeks ago. i didnt fancy it to start with but went along. crazy drink prices as expected (320 euros for a 1.5l of vodka, 900 for a 4.5l). what made it so rubbish for me is that its not a party place at all, people lying around reading books etc. we went at 3pm and it was busy then by 9pm there was no one left in the place. nice place right enough but wouldnt go back
no1-track @ obi:

^^ omg where did you drag that piece of poo up from ?

OBC is Marbella-esque poseathon, barmen straight of of Costa del Crime the time I went in. Tackier than Blue Marlin but similar types (on the whole probably not as wealthy or at least come across as not having had money so long). Nice womens' resort wear in the boutique. Hated it otherwise and could think of a hundred places in Ibiza I'd rather spend an afternoon.
^^ omg where did you drag that piece of poo up from ? ...


Tanning Mom Music Video
Quite Possibly the Worst Video Ever Exclusive

If you've never seen the Verne Troyer sex tape,
then you are about to watch the worst thing ever recorded ...
Tanning Mom's music video.

As TMZ first reported, Patricia Krentcil inexplicably decided to record a pop song entitled "It's Tan Mom" ... figuring if Octomom did it, so could she.

Now TMZ has gotten our hands on the music video for the song ... and it's an absolute nightmare.

If you don't go blind in the first minute, be sure to watch around 2:00 mark ... when Krentcil just completely gives up on trying to sing along with the track.

It's so bad, it's amazing .

