
i move to set up an occupy ibiza chapter, who is in?

meet with tents, rizla and thermos flasks at space car park, around about midday?
The Occupy movement appears to be hijacked by the usual attention grabbing, self centred, rent a mob.

They are just intent on making the place look a mess and causing trouble and swallowing up public resources whilst making the world a more unpleasant place without actually doing anything constructive.

In fact, just like our politicians :lol:
I think that's more of a blanket statement about your general thoughts on direct action. I spent some time at St Pauls and found an inspiring bunch of people from all backgrounds sharing knowledge and building communities. It wasn't dominated by a 'sort' and even bankers were welcomed to join in the dialogue.
I think that's more of a blanket statement about your general thoughts on direct action. I spent some time at St Pauls and found an inspiring bunch of people from all backgrounds sharing knowledge and building communities. It wasn't dominated by a 'sort' and even bankers were welcomed to join in the dialogue.

Well in that case, my cynical perceptions may well be wrong.

Sounds a lot different on the ground than how it appears! That's gives a different angle to it Rob, cheers!8)
I don't know... for me, that video only reinforces the view that it's all being driven by a bunch of granola-loving tree-hugging anti-capitalists :lol:

I didn't notice anyone in a suit. Where are these bankers and corporate types allegedly joining in?
It was a Saturday.

Oh and one of them was a conservative MP.

Just watched your video and i agree in parts with some of the views expressed but have an issue with a couple of points.

1.The man with no name AKA don, it's very good saying give up your addiction to money, but he doesn't propose any alternative and how does he suggest we all get by without any money?

2. The lady singer said that you being a home owner wouldn't have been her choice and you were "owned" by the bank so i presume whereever she lives she lives for free?
Yep - agree and can't take any responsibility for what was said.

It was just a bit of fun... and has obviously made people think which is nice.

Re: mortgage = I'm in a very fortunate position, renting isn't a viable alternative. Fact is, the whole thing stinks and home owners should never have been given that tax free earning opportunity in the first place. It's not fair that I have this advantage when an entire generation is locked out of the housing market and repossessions are happening left right and centre.

Addiction to money = a radical statement which is more philosophical than anything. I don't have an alternative either but money is the new God (in a country that's supposedly full of atheists). Sadly our relationship with money is often at the expense of community and those that benefit lost out in equal measure.

^^ poor comeback - don't really have a response - going to a meeting byeeee :lol:
Just watched your video and i agree in parts with some of the views expressed but have an issue with a couple of points.

1.The man with no name AKA don, it's very good saying give up your addiction to money, but he doesn't propose any alternative and how does he suggest we all get by without any money?

Apart from his dole check obviously

2. The lady singer said that you being a home owner wouldn't have been her choice and you were "owned" by the bank so i presume whereever she lives she lives for free?

Yep....I bet it is...we pay for it
Yep - agree and can't take any responsibility for what was said.

It was just a bit of fun... and has obviously made people think which is nice.

Re: mortgage = I'm in a very fortunate position, renting isn't a viable alternative. Fact is, the whole thing stinks and home owners should never have been given that tax free earning opportunity in the first place. It's not fair that I have this advantage when an entire generation is locked out of the housing market and repossessions are happening left right and centre.

Addiction to money = a radical statement which is more philosophical than anything. I don't have an alternative either but money is the new God (in a country that's supposedly full of atheists). Sadly our relationship with money is often at the expense of community and those that benefit lost out in equal measure.

^^ poor comeback - don't really have a response - going to a meeting byeeee :lol:

I enjoyed watching it and i agree that the banking bonus culture is way out of hand but the above points i raised i feel are just too simplistic.

I personally made a choice a few years back,bing a single parent i didn't want to go and get signed up for a mortgage and struggle through the next however many years just to leave my children something when i'm gone, so i shall find a good cost effective soloution for us to have as a home and spend my disposable income doing things and seeing the world with my children as they grow up.
Good job Robder on the video. We could go back to the barter system. I help harvest your crops and you give me food. I trade food to a doctor and so forth and so on.
I don't know... for me, that video only reinforces the view that it's all being driven by a bunch of granola-loving tree-hugging anti-capitalists :lol:

I didn't notice anyone in a suit. Where are these bankers and corporate types allegedly joining in?

Found one!
