NYC Spotlighters - Stay Safe!


Well-Known Member
Know there's a few of you. Take care. Hope Sandy leaves you unscathed.

(Sandy tho' ? Where do they get the names???)
Know there's a few of you. Take care. Hope Sandy leaves you unscathed.

(Sandy tho' ? Where do they get the names???)

Steve would have had a much better ring to it:)

Hang on to your door knockers:(

Oddly enough:?:, yesterday evening they were already looking at the positive sides of Sandy and the jobs it would create with rebuilding.
Well that was a long day/night...Fortunately Brooklyn/williamsburg ok, flooding at a minimum and we still have power..crazy to see Manhattan skyline in near total darkness! Suburbs hit really hard, friends + family on long island expect to be without power for a week.
Another 24 hours of rain ahead of us, but supposedly worst is over...
I have a friend in Brighton Beach who posted a photo of her basement... about a meter of water. Also said something about her car being gone :eek:

My brother lives about a half hour outside the city. No power at his place. Luckily I gave him a bunch of LED "candles" for Christmas last year :lol:
(he'd had an incident with real candles setting a room on fire :confused:)
Best thoughts and wishes for you all staying safe over there.

My brother lives about a half hour outside the city... Luckily I gave him a bunch of LED "candles" for Christmas last year :lol:

Mystic Morbs strikes again :eek: :!: