NYC Advice

Ali Bon Tempi

Active Member

Heading to NYC for 5 nights in October and want to do some sight seeing, shopping and eating and drinking. Not fussed about any club nights but would like some fairly lively bars. Can anyone suggest the best place to base ourselves?

Absolutely loved Williamsburg in Brooklyn. Reminds me a little of East London - lots of independant little cafe's and bars. You get the "L" train out of Manhattan to Bedford Ave.

The L train runs from Union Sq. in Manhattan, great little line and about two/three stops to Wburg. Kind of a studenty/bohemian vibe over there - lots of house parties and random little events cropping up.

Have fun if you go! :)
Hotel 17 on east 17st is where we always stay.great hotel with a good history movies,music video and photos been shot there.some very strange people still living there.Its close to union sq,st marks east village.Union sq has turned into heroin supermarket and the amount of people doing the "dope fiend lean" as they call it was crazy.
Definitely East or West Village. We stayed at the Gem Hotel in Chelsea which was a nice little spot but if we go back I'd definitely be looking at something more southerly.

I can recommend Daddy-O's in West Village (44 Bedford Street) it's only small but it's got a great atmosphere and bar tenders, the food is good and the cocktails are better.
Hotel 17 on east 17st is where we always stay.great hotel with a good history movies,music video and photos been shot there.some very strange people still living there.Its close to union sq,st marks east village.Union sq has turned into heroin supermarket and the amount of people doing the "dope fiend lean" as they call it was crazy.

Hotel 17 is great, but not for everyone...years ago my friend put his parents there, they lasted one night - some of the old 'club kids' like Amanda Lepore still reside there...
Cops just cleaned up Union Square (again), but even before the park was always pretty safe.

The Jane hotel in the West village is very interesting - the $99 rooms are tiny, but clean/safe/comfortable - the large rooms are a good deal for under $300 - plus the whole place looks and feels like the set of 'The Shining'

The Gershwin on 27th street has a good selection of rooms, in all price ranges.

Lots of new hotels on the Lower East Side, SOHO - most are luxury/expensive, but some mid priced chains like Holiday Inn have opened recently.
If you make it over to Park Slope in Brooklyn there is a quaint little bar called Union Hall. I go everytime I visit the city to get wasted, play some indoor bocce ball and terrorize all of the hipster d-bags.
Hotel 17 is great, but not for everyone...years ago my friend put his parents there, they lasted one night - some of the old 'club kids' like Amanda Lepore still reside there...
Cops just cleaned up Union Square (again), but even before the park was always pretty safe.

The Jane hotel in the West village is very interesting - the $99 rooms are tiny, but clean/safe/comfortable - the large rooms are a good deal for under $300 - plus the whole place looks and feels like the set of 'The Shining'

The Gershwin on 27th street has a good selection of rooms, in all price ranges.

Lots of new hotels on the Lower East Side, SOHO - most are luxury/expensive, but some mid priced chains like Holiday Inn have opened recently.
Our last room in hotel 17 was crazy,big steel bed had hand cuffs on the posts and loads of strange books on the shelf. have they cleaned up st marks hotel?
just by chance got a phone call today and might be working for 2 weeks in NY from this saturday! We'll see
Yup, East or West Village and Meatpacking. Meatpacking is more posh but loads of models and the like...there are cool bars mixed in as well. Use for the djs that will be in town. Brooklyn is awesome as well, very trendy/hipster and has a solid underground scene.
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Yup, East or West Village and Meatpacking. Meatpacking is more posh but loads of models and the like...there are cool bars mixed in as well. Use for the djs that will be in town. Brooklyn is awesome as well, very trendy/hipster and has a solid underground scene. right?
Rhythmism is also good for listings

Hotel location wise I'd definitely say around Meat Packing/Soho area, though as soon as you take your first tube, you'll realise how easy it is to get around anywhere in Manhattan, so don't feel your tied to your hotel.

Williamsburg is cool, though I'd advise going on the Sunday (the markets are better supported) and you can easily do the Bedford Ave shopping/cafe circuit in a day.
wow wow wow, thanks for all the info people - settles on little boutique hotel on the lower east side which looks like a good base to visit the rest of NYC - will be back nearer the time with more questions no doubt. We're there for 5 nights over a weekend so hopefully will fit plenty in!
Flying to NY on sunday! There for 2 weeks but wont get a day off then pretty much flying straight back

Going somewhere 'cool' for work is never as good as it sounds, I go to Boston and Holland quite a bit but fly in, work and fly back so you never get any real chance to do or see anything!
Our last room in hotel 17 was crazy,big steel bed had hand cuffs on the posts and loads of strange books on the shelf. have they cleaned up st marks hotel?

Hotel 17 is definitely one of those places you are better off not thinking about who slept in the bed mere hours before :eek: - however if you are open minded, the price/atmosphere/location cannot be beat.
St. Marks Hotel - :evil: A few weeks ago I met some friends for drinks at a bar right next to the St. Marks...our conversation was interrupted by an ambulance, and two police cars screeching to a halt in front of the hotel - I've not been inside for 15 years, but i don't think much has changed. The place is legendary, almost everyone I grew up with brought a girl/boyfriend there at some point - NYC apartments are small/crowded, and we usually don't have cars so it kind of operates like a 'love' hotel, albeit a lot scarier.
Mini& Ali - hit me up if you want to grab a drink in Brooklyn, etc - I live in Williamsburg, know the area (too) well.
Man theres a Bpitch party on monday afternoon which is a public holiday and looks like i got to work aaarrgggghhhh!!!