Nrg-1 - avoid!


Active Member
For those of you thinking of trying the supposed 'replacement' for Plant Food, i would avoid like the plague. Weak as pish stimulant which is nasty to take and nastier still afterwards.
what did you make of the plant food to start of with?

To be honest i was a plant food convert the first time i tried it. Always bought off the net, never the street and i found it to be a nice clean, buzzy high and had many good nights on it. Also music sounded great to me on it.

NRG-1 left me feeling sh!te for several hours after taking it and the high was almost non existent. Tastes awful and just generally seems a much lower quality product than meow. Suppose it was possible i bought from the wrong site online and the quality was poor but it has definitely put me off trying it again. Have got half a bag left at home which is going straight in the bin when i get back!
There's a lot of scary reports about it (from sources I trust) but a mate tried it last night, had a great time and had no noticeable comedown. I'm still not convinced enough to give it a whirl, though.

Oh, and looks like there were lies told to get the original plant food banned -

Typical isn't it! I suspect the hugely rich and powerful cocaine trade had something to do with meph getting banned. I'm fairly certain the big, big importers of coke who have been doing it for years have now accumalated enough wealth to appear like a legitimate businessmen on the face of things. I imagine some quiet words in some influential ears late at night had meph's card marked once it began eating into the market share of coke. But then i'm a massive cynic and love a conspiricy story! :)
Dunno. Think there are a lot of moral puritans out there who just don't like the idea of people having fun (and, of course, they believe drugs lead to promiscuous sex).

If the govt want to do something, they make the decision first and find the 'evidence' later. Look at the fake WMD that lead to the war in Iraq. It was nowt to do with WMD, more that Tony Blair had promised George Bush ages ago he'd be involved in an invasion. But they had to invent a cover story for the invasion.

In the same way, any death vaguely 'linked' to mephedrone was used as evidence for banning.

And because of the ban, we have people dabbling with possibly more dangerous substances (such as nrg-1).
And because of the ban, we have people dabbling with possibly more dangerous substances (such as nrg-1).

Totally. At least meph was pure and not cut with crap by street dealers. Generally felt fine the day after because it was clean, supposedly 99.something% pure. Psychologically though i used to feel very down after a big binge on it, probably because the serotonin etc levels were severely depleted, but at least this was evidence that it was doing the job it was meant to!

Down here people have turned back to crappy coke which is probably less than 20% pure and can end up costing you loads of money as you chase some sort of buzz off the crap! What a crazy world we live in eh?! :)
Typical isn't it! I suspect the hugely rich and powerful cocaine trade had something to do with meph getting banned. I'm fairly certain the big, big importers of coke who have been doing it for years have now accumalated enough wealth to appear like a legitimate businessmen on the face of things. I imagine some quiet words in some influential ears late at night had meph's card marked once it began eating into the market share of coke. But then i'm a massive cynic and love a conspiricy story! :)

I go along with this and any other possibles....

ie; Police worried about falling levels of crime due to a legal high being available - want it banned.

The one about the big boys does hold a lot of water though. I read a book 'Gangs' many years ago about the absolute power the underworld actually yields on our society.

As for the part played by the media, I simply abhor the gutter press, quite how these folk sleep at night is a mystery.
Totally. At least meph was pure and not cut with crap by street dealers. Generally felt fine the day after because it was clean, supposedly 99.something% pure. Psychologically though i used to feel very down after a big binge on it, probably because the serotonin etc levels were severely depleted, but at least this was evidence that it was doing the job it was meant to!

Yeah, it's definitely not entirely harmless or comedown free. I'd feel crap for a few days after a minor binge. Very compulsive too - the only way you could exert any control over it was not to buy too much at a time!

The one about the big boys does hold a lot of water though. I read a book 'Gangs' many years ago about the absolute power the underworld actually yields on our society.

There is definitely some truth in this. Wasn't it illegal drug dealers burning down headshops and shooting owners in NI? If the Daily Star report I linked to in another thread is true, I can't believe the illegal drug dealers will be too pleased with the legal high dealers who are moving out to Ibiza for the summer. :eek:
Cant be good for you! Do you need it?

No it can't be good for me, i'm definitely getting too old for this sh!t! Obviously i don't need it, but everyone needs a little escape from reality now and again! :D I expect you like a drink every once in a while? I work in the licensed trade and alcohol turns people into the biggest knobheads possible, something unlikely to happen to people partaking in the pharmaceutical side of things!
I go along with this and any other possibles....

ie; Police worried about falling levels of crime due to a legal high being available - want it banned.


Hadn't even thought about this aspect of it, certainly it could be a factor. Stuff like this fascinates me. So many people take what happens around us in society at face value but there's so much going on under the radar. Average Joe thinks 'Mephedrone is banned because it is a drug which is bad.' The great thinkers at Spotlight know differently! :)