Note of caution - drugs on the island


New Member
Know we cant discuss some subjects on here but just be careful on the island at the minute. Doing the rounds are something white n speckled with a swirl. A friend had a pretty bad reaction after just 2. They dont contain what you think they do. Just a bit of careful advice :idea:

Edit from Admin: as long as this thread stays completely on topic, it is extremely good information. i've stuck it for the time being.
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Just back. There were A LOT of very mashed people out there, quite a few needing emergency treatment (fits on the dancefloor, etc).

Not sure if that's a sign of good gear, bad gear or just people taking too much/mixing with booze.

Hi guys

I know the rules are pretty strict about this Subject, but i am returning to the isle for the first time since 2006, and bringing my mrs with me for her first time.

When anyone has any more info on this topic, any more definitive info on what is bad thats goign around pls share, we are going to have a great time on the island, and coming from south Africa we dont need to be indulging in any stuff that will cause adversely bad experiences.

As i mentioned, i know there are strict rules about this. But if anyone comes across harmful stuff could they pls post it (as they have above).

At least Spotlight can be used (legally) as a way to help fellow spotlighters by identifying the NO-NOs...

Just back. There were A LOT of very mashed people out there, quite a few needing emergency treatment (fits on the dancefloor, etc).

Not sure if that's a sign of good gear, bad gear or just people taking too much/mixing with booze.

Ive been around the block a few times (dont even wanna say how old I am) but it always worries me a lot when I see someone in trouble that way. I think its in all our best interests just to keep an eye out for those that may overindulge among our friends, aquaintances, and even fellow travellers/clubbers that are relative strangers. At the end of the day, it could be you that way someday and Im sure we'd all like to think we'd be looked after if that was the case. Its all very easy to lose a bit of sense while out in the beautiful sunshine and I think its particularly important to keep an eye out for younger members of a group who may be about to experience something for the first time. Heat, masses of alcohol, drugs, few decent meals, and lack of sleep can be a recipe for disaster if youre not careful. Yes, we all like to think we're hardened to it all and we dont need to worry, but some may not be so fortunate. Im far from condoning the use of mind altering substances in any way here, but with a bit of common sense things can be relatively safe (alcohol and cigarettes remain the worlds biggest death drugs of all). So with all things in life, enjoy in moderation 8)8)
You could always take a testing kit to give you an indication of what is in things. They are'nt something you can do when you are at a club , more at home/hotel as it involves a few stages and you need to be able to see subtle colour changes
Some European clubs used to have testing tables where you could get that done for free. Know the yanks still have them at some events (theyre a bit paranoid anyway though lol). But not a very easy undertaking. As I said, moderation is the key. Even the RC deaths turned out to be a story of overindulgent mixing of a collection of substances - not just the one thing. But that stuff is the biggest danger of all (IMO). And there are already at least 3 or 4 new RCs out there replacing Mdrone and Mlone already. At least one which sounds very dodgy indeed. Hence my original post. Stuff like this can very easily end up in that tiny little tablet in your hand. And I dont care how much you think youre experienced with the old skool gear, this stuff is literally just off the boat from China - with little or no reports to refer to. :confused:
Ive been around the block a few times (dont even wanna say how old I am) but it always worries me a lot when I see someone in trouble that way.

I'd say most of the ones who needed help were being looked after by friends/medics already. There was one guy wandering through the west end who kept looking behind him and making odd noises (as if calling for friends or possibly not..). He definitely seemed to me like a bloke to avoid rather than a bloke to help. There was also a guy with blood on his face who caught the attention of a couple of girls. From what I could hear, the injury was self-inflicted from head-butting someone... There are times you definitely need to be careful before wading in!
I'd say most of the ones who needed help were being looked after by friends/medics already. There was one guy wandering through the west end who kept looking behind him and making odd noises (as if calling for friends or possibly not..). He definitely seemed to me like a bloke to avoid rather than a bloke to help. There was also a guy with blood on his face who caught the attention of a couple of girls. From what I could hear, the injury was self-inflicted from head-butting someone... There are times you definitely need to be careful before wading in!

100% agree lol