anyone got the lyrics? they're usually quite laughable (the danzel lyrics posted the other day were classic)
we all know its gonna happen though, its that time of year...

on one hand the artists deserve as much money as they can get (cause lets face it these days, they probably wouldn't get as much as they might have done pre-p2p days)

but on the other hand its a total sell out, would be nice to get labels that release big tracks and dont change them, but then, labels need the cash too to promotoe up and coming songs...

suppose the best thing to do is turn off the radio so you don't hear the crap versions on heavy rotation
There used to be loads of good tunes out about 2 years ago that could be played without them getting played to death and now because not much seems to be made as soon as it does eveyone jumps on it and abuses the hell out of it.

Then theres the good tunes from years ago that are being re-made with some crappy vocal over the top of it because theres f*** all else too.

IMO as soon as he radio plays it, its over!
The original reminds me of my first ever visit to Space last September so obviously pretty good memories, although to be fair it's about my only memory.(I was a bit of a mess 8O) . And I've got to do it all over again on Sunday 26 June.
