NO DOUBT,MOST of the regs here know this,all main uk post offices exchange euros,though they will not take back your small euro change.they charge no commision,and you can order online to,and pick up at your nearest post office. bigwickuk
Thanks for the great advice, I used them last year when I went in August. Ordered online and simply went in the next day and picked it up.
If you want to know what to do with your small change then simply take it to your bank and pay it into your personal account as if it were sterling... you will get the best rate on it without any commission charges!
was down to my last few coppers.......payday 48 hours card beer!!!!!!.then i lovingly looked at my pile of euro shekels....yes.its time for them to go....jumped on a no106 bus to the main post office at finsbury park,upto the counter........and the lady says.......sorry.....we dont change yer euro dross!!!!!!!!! omg..what a massive comedown.....bang goes the steaks and beer i thought.........and it was a 1.5 mile walk home.........where i bumped into my mate......who dropped me a 20..moral of story.....all that glitters.........means a long walk home!!!!!!
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