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Super Moderator
Is he a big deal on your side of the pond? I feel like over here they try to push his music out there too much. I'm not sure I like this big trend of blending all the styles of music together either...
He's a gurning Meer cat with a rubbish haircut.

my friend has the unlucky privilege of being his double.......:D

The ladies love him however....... there are times when I have been out clubbing with him and been in a bit of a two and eight when I have thought F*** Me - David Guetta in the warehouse!:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:
Is he a big deal on your side of the pond? I feel like over here they try to push his music out there too much. I'm not sure I like this big trend of blending all the styles of music together either...

Minimarc is right, all my friends hate him, BUT he is everywhere round here too.

Completely agree with you about this new blending of styles.
After hearing that track he did with Rihanna he should be dragged out into the street and have a CD of said track inserted into him. The noises he makes should then be recorded and mixed and released as his next single. Punishment fitting the crime? I think so!

*The opinion expressed above is the opinion of the author and in no way reflects the opinions or views of Ibiza Spotlight and it's staff. Bet they'd all still turn out to watch though :twisted: