NIE in temporary accomodation?


New Member

Please does anyone know if you can get an NIE when in temporary accommodation? (ie, when staying at a hotel or hostel).

I am assuming that you can and put down the hotel/hostel address, but also wondering if you have to have a more permanent address, i.e rented/contractual accomodation.

Many Thanks
why don,t you get your NIE number before you go . You can sort it out quite easily through the Spanish consulate in Manchester or London
Hi thanks, yes I have considered that, but looking at the NIE form, you need to have an address in Spain, which I wont have until I am out there. Is there a way around this?

Also, Im reading that If applying in Spain/Ibiza that you need to take form 790 to a bank to make payment for the police administration fees. Does anyone know if this means that I also have to have a Spanish bank account?

Is getting an NIE number a real headache? From what Im reading so far, it appears to be ...
There are three basic ways to get your NIE :

1. The basic and probably most convenient way would be to apply through the Spanish Consulate in your own country. This way you can get things done in the comfort of your own surroundings. You can download the form directly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (, take it with you, completed, along with your photo ID and submit the application there. The other benefit is that you won't be charged anything, if applying through this method.
But yes, there's a downside to it as well. The application process will take a lot longer than usual and you can expect the NIE number in almost 18 to 19 weeks. Also, while applying , make sure you give out the correct address of stay in Spain , as the NIE Approval letter will only get delivered to that address, and not in your hands.

2. The second method is to present yourself present yourself at any local branch of the National Police of Spain. Depending on which police station you go to, the time taken will vary.

Just remember that queues tend to get really long and if you are not in the first 50 something, chances are you'll have to return back the next day. So, the best time to go is at about 6:00 in the morning to get in the queue. You will likely need to stand there for at least 3 hours before being issued with an admission ticket.
Then waiting for another hour, you will finally be allowed inside. This is where you will be submitting your application form. Please make sure that you have taken in a completely filled application form as it'd otherwise lead to unnecessary delays.
If there are errors on the form, you will be sent away and then you'll have to come back the next day. On submitting the application, they will give the form back to you with a stamp, and an additional piece of paper. They should then tell you when you can go back to collect your NIE Number. In the meantime, you are to take the piece of paper and go to the bank, there you will need to pay a small fee (it varies from one police station to another, normally around 10 EUR). The bank provides you with a receipt for this, and you must bring that back to the police station.
Then, you must return to the police station on the date specified. It's very much probable that your NIE Number might get delayed by a day or two from the specified date. In order to get back the number, you must stand in the queue once more. This method let's you have your NIE Number in just around 5 Weeks.

3. For all you lazy bones, or people who just can't stand in line for hours, you can apply through a law firm or a gestoria . Obviously, the charges will be a lot more than the other two methods, but if convenience is of more importance for you than money, then by all means go for this option.

Sorry but you can no longer apply through the Spanish Consulate in Manchester or Edinburgh, it has to be done in person at the local police station.
That suprises me we only got ours last year, we filled the form in took our documents to Manchester and it only took three weeks to get them back, we put our home address in England on the NIE form as at that time didn,t have a Spanish one , and it was very straight forward , the ladies at the consulate were very helpful .
So thats such a shame if its all changed .
The Spanish Consulate General DOES NOT ISSUE NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros) or CERTIFICATES OF NON-RESIDENCE (Certificados de No Residencia).

NIE's and certificates of non-residence should be obtained in person at the nearest Police Station in Spain.

This Consulate General can however forward your application to the Police in Spain. Applications take between 1-3 months when applying through this Consulate General. Once the application is in process it will not be possible to give any further information on this matter. Further enquiries will have to be referred to the competent Spanish Police authorities:

D. G. de la Policía
Comisaría General de Extranjería y Documentación
c/ General Pardiñas Nº 90
28006 Madrid
Please DO NOT apply for a NIE at this Consulate General if your reason is one of the following:

You intend to live in Spain. Once you are in Spain, you must register (empadronar) with the local Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) where you intend to live in order to obtain a Certificado de Residencia.
You intend to open a bank account. A NIE is not issued for this reason.

Taken from:
Yeah it changed at the start of this year unfortunately. I was gonna travel from Newcastle to Edinburgh for a couple of days just to get it, but when i emailed them, they said they don't issue NIE anymore, it is a shame.