New Years Eve in Ibiza


Active Member
Does anyone know whats going on in Ibiza this year for NYE? I heard that DC10 have opened before & Pacha is always open. Is it worth going?

Cheers! :)
dc10 hasn't opened for a few years, but pacha is always open. otherwise parties in grial, bambuddha, blu and elsewhere mean there's quite a lot going on. nearer the time you'll find more infos about individual events in these forums.

the weather can be gorgeous and there's always a party going on somewhere, in fact some of the best parties are the ones before and just after NYE. but it's not the same vibe as in summer. there aren't really any big name djs and pacha is the only club open, but if you plan for this, you'll love it!
NYE`s a bit different, Instead of getting battered by 12 and falling over, Most do not come out till 12 then spend the next few days getting battered, It is the Spanish kinda Xmas equivalent on the 6th, So not much point in stopping for the odd day`s in-between, It`s a good party :D

Have a good one
hello how often the environment in the new year?
There are usually many tourists? and many nightclubs are open? Parties? Afters?
I already bought the plane trip would like to know some information
if someone could help me appreciate
Thank you
Supposedly there is a Circo Loco party in london NYD (nightime) will they jump in a plane and fly in?
nuno, read my second post and then take a look at this threads in this forum. all will be revealed :)
Hello :lol:

We've spent a couple of New Years in Ibiza - it's VERY different to summer so don't go if you just want a clubbing holiday but if you want a bit of clubbing with long walks on deserted beaches/restaurants/exploring the island/etc thrown in I'd highly recommend it.

One NYE we went to Pacha restaurant as they did a 7 course dinner and then into the club and then onto DC10 on NYD.
Me and the misses have just bought a place in san an and r also going to ibiza 4 new year. pacha then off to dc10 sounds like the best plan to me if it's pos. i have been to pacha in jan b4 and only the front room was open, does anyone know if the main room is open on NYE? and is dc10 def open on NYD?
I would suggest getting advance tickets if you can, There was no chance of getting in normally @ about 2 am when I went 2 yrs ago, About a 1000 people waving residents cards outside trying the same thing,

Have a good one

Just to Add, Underground is usually a good night also
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