S spotlight Moderator May 25, 2010 #1 Spain's new traffic laws come into force in Ibiza and the rest of the country today Read the full article in the main site... Comments welcome!
Spain's new traffic laws come into force in Ibiza and the rest of the country today Read the full article in the main site... Comments welcome!
O Olly No longer active May 25, 2010 #2 0.5mg is still the drink-driving limit right is that basically a canya or one bottle of volldam?
stephen Active Member Staff member May 25, 2010 #3 correct. in britain it's 0.8 which they reckon is about a pint. (ie 4 pints in that london)
O Olly No longer active May 25, 2010 #4 In England, I drink 3 or 4 half pints or 1 large glass of red but one small beer is very harsh