NEW: Surf House Ibiza - S'Arenal beach, San An

Something different I suppose, wont be cheap.

I don't see Ibiza as a surfing destination really. There will be a Folie Douce next!
Sa Talaia better watch out .... :confused:

The flow rider is no different to cruise ship-style facilities. I think an artificial wave machine is just something to amuse yourself with rather than lying around on a sunbed, to be fair. Be popular with some of the stag do's in the day I guess.

Btw ... Cala Nova & Cala Boix have often got surf, but mainly in Winter. ;) I'm pretty sure this'll be a recreational amenity with boards for hire, for those who fancy a bit of fun when there's no more than a ripple on the sea for as far as the eye can see.
My thoughts are that this looks like it's going to be in the public carpark next to OBC,another bluddy nuisance!


that's quite interesting. a friend and i were imagining a wave machine here only the other day. good surfing waves are few and far between, although during winter if you are prepared to drive (admittedly only max 30 mins lol) then you can get out once a week or more. this afterrnoon for instance, cala jondal and other breaks in the south will be good albeit messy. tomorrow as well. next weekend more over santa eulalia way. it's an island after all with lots of sea around ;)
I think it's a great idea for the Summer when there's nowt doing wave-wise. If only it were wavelet-free enough to do some proper wakeboarding without it feeling like taking a ride in a beaten-up pick-up on a dirt road any time after 9am in Summer there'd be a decent substitute but alas ....
they put plastic grass on the ground there everywhere ... the same they used in.oceanbeachclub ;)
that wavething looks a little bit underwhelming ...
My take on it,May 24.
Have a look at new half built Surf House,lots of carpentry being done,blue tank looks like a large skip.Astro turf all over the place...
open now !!

was there this evening ... you can sit on plastichairs from.ikea on.plasticgrass and watch some fool breaking his neck on this plasticwavething ;)
they have food and drinks too.
can watch the sunset from there too.
2 hotties one blonde one dark working at bar in the middle 2day !
i think they placed that wavething in some wrong angle so thst you cant see that much ... the one in mallorca seems to be bigger ?!
again lots of people inside OBC next door tonight ...