New drug driving laws to be announced


Active Member
Noticed on the news today that new 'drug' driving laws are likely to be announced in the Queens speech shortly.

Personally, i have no issue with a law that punishes people who have caused an accident or are unfit to drive due to taking drugs - alcohol included. However, as an occaisional recreational drug user with a semi decent job (any job is better than nothing at the moment, so not moaning) witch requires driving, I
do have concerns on the tests. I wouldn't dream of driving while caned but wonder what this means? Smoke a joint / take a pill then get a ban after a non-fault crash months after. Hmmm. Not so fair. What are the criteria? And what do people think
Noticed on the news today that new 'drug' driving laws are likely to be announced in the Queens speech shortly.

Personally, i have no issue with a law that punishes people who have caused an accident or are unfit to drive due to taking drugs - alcohol included. However, as an occaisional recreational drug user with a semi decent job (any job is better than nothing at the moment, so not moaning) witch requires driving, I
do have concerns on the tests. I wouldn't dream of driving while caned but wonder what this means? Smoke a joint / take a pill then get a ban after a non-fault crash months after. Hmmm. Not so fair. What are the criteria? And what do people think

Just stay on your broomstick.....safer ;)
Just stay on your broomstick.....safer ;)

Off to grind some newts eyes and dance round a large bonfire. Do you know any virgins (Branson notwithstanding-that might be a bit much) could do with these for both blood for spells and because the lasses round my way have been about a bit.
Sorry, don't know any virgins...I found your initial message nonsensical so I responded similarly

cryptic clue sp...
Well, the police have to show impairment to prosecute but it doesn't take much to allege that. As it's a saliva test I suspect only use within the recent past (last day to few days) will cause a problem for roadside test purposes in most cases. This is from Aus ...

Do a load of drugs at the weekend and then drive to work on Monday (or Tuesday) morning - well, you're taking a risk. If you have to drive daily then probably best to forget about most weekend recreational drug use... and if a habitual regular/heavy user probably best to forget driving altogether ?

I think the tolerances have yet to be determined and the list of specified drugs is yet to be published, but suspect cannabis users will be the most affected as that stuff hangs about for an age. Most drugs can be found in hair/fat for months anyway (as employers know only too well .. ) but hair testing doesn't really help with demonstrating particularly recent use and I doubt that would be used as additional evidence in suspected drug-driving cases.

Maybe a network of Stargates would be the best way forward ? :lol:.
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Sorry, don't know any virgins...I found your initial message nonsensical so I responded similarly

cryptic clue sp...

Yeah, had noticed my mistake hence witchcraft references. Anyhow, what are the prices like in the clubs this year? Can i hire a car in ibiza? Do people eat food in Spain? Do you have a sky.

Twas only supposed to be an thread for people to read on a dreary Tuesday morning.
Noticed on the news today that new 'drug' driving laws are likely to be announced in the Queens speech shortly.

Personally, i have no issue with a law that punishes people who have caused an accident or are unfit to drive due to taking drugs - alcohol included. However, as an occaisional recreational drug user with a semi decent job (any job is better than nothing at the moment, so not moaning) witch requires driving, I
do have concerns on the tests. I wouldn't dream of driving while caned but wonder what this means? Smoke a joint / take a pill then get a ban after a non-fault crash months after. Hmmm. Not so fair. What are the criteria? And what do people think

car side drug testing will be a simple test of recent use. Long term drug use test are more expensive, which are urine, blood, and hair. I think for public safety people who do drugs should be excluded from doing some jobs (pilots, train conductors, bus/ lorry driver, and doctors; or have at least have a minimum time sober before performing work.