Need to organise a stag do ... venue suggestions ?

West London Shadow

Active Member
Best man at a wedding & need to organise a stag do ... the people going live in London (majority), Ireland, Singapore/Hong Kong & Dubai/Qatar.

The initial suggestion was Dubai which I've said no to. People are now suggesting Bangkok. The majority going are complete wrongens & I don't really fancy getting banged up somewhere nasty.

Any suggestions? I guess Hong Kong could be a shout?

Anyone been to Samara?
Sounds like a group who'll love Vegas? (Although possibly a group who've already been....)
Tarifa southern Spain and a Trip over on the ferry to Morocco..done it a few year ago. Probally the windiest place in europe but great fun..
Macau is pretty awesome for that sort of thing you can get the ferry over from Hong Kong (where you can go to the races). The casinos are as good as Vegas (and actually take in 3 times as cash)

you could stay at the Sands where I am led to believe (ahem) there is a Playboy Club.
Never been to Vegas & would be up for it, but a bit of a misson for the Mid East contingent.

Went to Bangkok with an ex... thought it was a bit grim. Someone suggested breaking it up with Pattaya.

Hong Kong is on my to do list, but again, concerned one or two will run into trouble. I might suggest Vegas ... see how it goes down.
Hong Kong on a stag? Really? I was there this year and it doesn't strike me as a stag destination. Happy Valley is good during the evening meeting though
Half & half re ski/boarding ... Snowbombing will be awesome ... am semi hoping to go this year, just as a hol .

Stag do now being put back to Oct/Nov . I'm tempted to go with HK / Macau . Saw some Pattaya vids on youtube... looks a bit --- > :confused: .
Half & half re ski/boarding ... Snowbombing will be awesome ... am semi hoping to go this year, just as a hol .

Stag do now being put back to Oct/Nov . I'm tempted to go with HK / Macau . Saw some Pattaya vids on youtube... looks a bit --- > :confused: .

I'm sold of Snowbombing 2014 for my stag now, though we should really get the wedding sorted out first!:lol: