Need Spotlighters help here...


New Member
Ill be in Ibiza from Sept 4th-7th and I am trying to nail our clubbing schedule down. This is what I have so far

Sept 4th- Tiesto @ Pacha
Sept 5th- Carl Cox @ Space or Together (Amnesia)? Need advice here
Sept 6th- Morillo @ Pacha
Sept 7th- Luciano @ Usuaia or Cream (Amnesia)? Need advice here

New to Ibiza and recommendations are much appreciated.

Luciano at Ushuaia will run 7pm - midnight, so essentially you could do that as well as Cream.

Together & Carl Cox are two very different nights. If you decide to do Cream on the Thursday, I would do Coxy at Space on the Tuesday. It is an Ibizan institution after all! Wouldn't do Amnesia twice in such a short space of time.

Similarily, are you sure you want to do two nights at Pacha so close together?
On Thursday you can do both Ushuaia and Cream if you can afford it as UShuaia closes at midnight and that's when cream opens.

In regards to Tuesday it depends On your music preference...what do you like?

If you do cream on the Thursday I'd do Space on the Tuesday that way you get to visit both clubs.

I appreciate the extrmemly fast repsonses. I had no idea we could catch both Ushuaia and Amnesia on Thu. Thats what i'm going to plan for. This makes Tue night an easy call and we will go to Space.

The reason we are going to Pacha 2 nights is because i'm a huge fan of Morillo and a girlfriend of mine going is the same with Tiesto. This is set in stone.

I cant wait to come to this island that i've been hearing so much about for years!