Need Some1 To Go With & Accomodation/Job


New Member
Im 18 Female South Wales, And I've Always Been Interested In Working Abroad, I'm Going On My Own But Need 2 Find Accomodation Etc, Sum1 2 Go With, Can Any1 Help??? Love Trace x x x
im driving over on 7 june from birmingham could do with someone to help with the cost not a great deal but youll be able to take more than you would on the plane ive been out there the last 5 years so thgeyll be plenty to talk about on the way if your interested we could meet up just so we get on ok it takes 2 days to get there call me on 07971 563143 if you are interested
I was gonna work in ibiza thins year but never got round to it. I wanted to do bar work like im doing now. Did u sort everything out in the end or are u still trying to sort it out.