need info about working australians


New Member

im woundering how hard it is to get work over in Ibiza as an Australian, ive done a bit of research and obviously we arnt part of the EU. But lets say if i end up getting a working Visa and get my NIE number would employers still want to take on non EU citizens?

also it would be great to hear from other Aussies if they had trouble finding work wilst over there.

oh im looking at going over there about early may next year, being that early would that increase my chances of getting a job?.

(im posting this early as i wont bother saving if its too hard to get a job over there as a non EU citizen). :confused: 8)
I doubt that many people would turn you down for a job because you are Australian. As long as you are legally entitled to work in the EU you should be able to get a job here. I don't know of any Aussies working here but I know Americans who are working here on work permits.

The penalties for employing people who don't have the correct paperwork are high here, I have heard of one bar owner who was fined €30,000 for having an 'illegal' working for him so more and more bar and restaurant owners are insisting that all the paperwork is in order.

If you want to increase your chances of getting a job then you'd be advised to have at least a basic level of Spanish. May is the best time to come over to give you a head start on everybody else as that is when the seasonal bars start to open.

I have a bar in Santa Eulalia and we have only just started getting people in looking for work - my bar and all my friends bars have been open since the end of April and we started hiring all the staff that we required back then, so anybody coming around now will be out of luck unless we've had someone leave suddenly.

The latter does happen, you'd be amazed at how many British people come over to work the summer and leave after a few weeks because they can't take it. A lot of people come here thinking that working in Ibiza will be like holidaying in Ibiza - it isn't. The hours are long, the pay is low and some jobs require you to work seven days a week.

Hope that this helps.

Good Luck
i agree with the above....

most places will let you work without a visa @ all!!!
(got 2 LOVE ibiza hay?) :D

good luck with it all
Enve let me know how you go!

Im an aussie too, im looking at goin at the start of july! please let me know how you go because im gunna be a first timer and it would be good to know what the go is!

its been a dream of mine to do this and i wanna be as prepared as possible.

If ya wanna email me or msn, it

any advice you have or you need a fellow aussie who parties as hard as anything give me a shout! Or we can meet up and pull some mad chickies when i get there!

how's it going fellas. i'm an aussie and i went to ibiza last july/august for 2 weeks. absolutely awesome place but if i went there to work for 3 or or 4 months i would have done my head in. i don't know how people stay there for a whole season. anyways, i met a girl from melbourne while i was over there at pacha. she was working as a massage girl giving free demos in the clubs to promote some massage place in town. she was being paid under the table and reckoned there's heaps of jobs available "under the table" if you go early and show your enthusiasm to work there for the whole season. ie that your gonna stick it out till september not just piss off when the major part of the party season ends.

You mean you couldnt do a whole season becuase you would take too many drugs and get hurt?

or u couldnt handle the place and people?
what i meant was that the place is crazy. although i don't think it would have been good for my body either.
obviously if you were there for the season you could pace yourself over a few months. trying to do and see everything i wanted to in ibiza in two weeks was a very hard task.
4 sure

Im so keen on getting over there its not funny!!!

im headin there on the 23rd of june.. to jpoin the lisa lashes party for one week and then im looking for work and accomodation!!!

Anyone wanna help me on such a search?