Need a job in Ibiza?

There's a thread somewhere here on this very subject,can't remember the title....think it starts 'beware'.
Ibiza is a big place they can't of cracked down on it that much can they? People must still be selling it in clubs
Hasn't been sold in the big clubs for ages, they used to be able to ( I remember there being a bar for it in privilege .) Even on the west end buying it isn't as easy as it used to, most bars make you go out of sight of the entrance etc. If was easy to sell people still would sell it widespread. People in Ibiza don't miss a trick when trying to get more money out of people!
Had a read through that feed and it still hasn't cleared much up! Is it actually illegal to sell? If so I wouldn't consider employing anyone to sell it because I wouldn't want the agro of fines and that
Had a read through that feed and it still hasn't cleared much up! Is it actually illegal to sell? If so I wouldn't consider employing anyone to sell it because I wouldn't want the agro of fines and that

Why would people want to be employed selling it, surely if it was nice and legal and easy to get your hands on the required gear (which im informed it is), everyone would just go it alone.