Nearly There

Ah, first time... I remember only random episodes of mine, such was the carnage. It was magical. It'll be trip #10 for me in September.

I'm counting down 5 weeks until Johannesburg. Similarly excited :D
Prepare for an addiction that you can't control. It is a truely amazing place and keeps me going back and discovering wonderful new things every time!!

Only 6 weeks to I get back there and I still have so many vivid memories of my first time!!

This forum has so much information on the things to do, so enjoy it buddy!! Your gonna love it!!
Prepare for an addiction that you can't control. It is a truely amazing place and keeps me going back and discovering wonderful new things every time!!

I've been going regularly since 96 and I'm stilldiscovering new things and places.

Hey RA, how was Miami ?? sorry bout the f*** up with the tix, friend was alright in the end, badly sprained ankle !! :rolleyes: :lol:
Hey dude,

Miami was out of this world!! Totally insanity for a week that I will never forget!! I am glad to hear your friend was ok, never good getting hurt on holiday! Main thing is they are ok!!

Not a problem about the tickets, I blagged it that I was you and she didn't even ask for ID but I said im English, you can trust me, she laughed and let us in :)

Since 96, yikes, that means ive still got another 10 years of discovery ahead!! Brilliant, you out there this summer?
8) Cool. What have you planned for your 'first' time :?:

just going to take it as we see it really, definately wanting to go to the we love space opening party! on the first sunday we're there! crookers & laidback luke (dream lineup) :)

and i have no idea what else :| need to find a good bar to watch the england games in and that!

is there any like "booze cruises" around, know its probably stupid question like :( what would you guys recommend! and i want to go to bora bora :)
