my turn to ask for info on IBIZA

  • Thread starter Thread starter californiaROMEO
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okay i have just survived a whole year in Iraq and i'm going to be home this month. i have saved some money and would like to spend part of it on a trip to IBIZA.

any recommendations on:

1. Travel Packages
2. Top 3 Hotels
3. Best clubbing timeframe
4. any other information you can possible share with me

Thank you!

Romeo from California
romeo...welcome home..always good when you guys come home safe and sound.

i have booked through bring it on the past two years, a little more expensive than doing it on your own, but maybe a little more convenient.

i like to stay in play de en bossa (its where space and bora bora are) when you get your hotel make sure that you ask for AC as many hotel sdon't have them....althugh after a year in iraq i am sure that the ibiza heat will be nothing for you.
hey thanks for the recommendation and warm welcome home....surviving 150 degree heat is no joke...and i will definetly seek A/C!
dude that was in iraq man...i was stationed at two places...karbala (same city in 3 KINGS) and abu ghraib prison (where saddam tortured and killed his political opponents)

i have stayed at the mare nostrum and the garbi, i don't recommend either...mare nostrum is far, garbi had no AC (at least in the room that i was in, i hear that some rooms have it now) i am staying at the jet bossa this year, check this site for accomodations, and check in play de en bossa


if you need any info let me know i will help ya' out....i think that flying into london then to ibiza is the cheapest bet. where in cali are you?
This Board is where you will get all the answers .. !


Welcome ..
Glad to have you back! Yeah, agree with jon, Bring it on is convenient, but you'll pay about $1000 more than you have to! Defo stay in Playa D'en Bossa, Jet is VERY convenient and perfect for partying! If your looking for ways to do it yourself, I recommend booking through British Airways and booking a hotel through this website (thank me later ibiza-spotlight :D )
you'll need a/c more in ibiza than baghdad. the heat here is very humid, extremely energy sapping and uncomfortable, whereas in iraq it's nice and dry.
stephen said:
you'll need a/c more in ibiza than baghdad. the heat here is very humid, extremely energy sapping and uncomfortable, whereas in iraq it's nice and dry.
Are you sure its not just the clubbing thats energy sapping? ;)

Humidity is what provides the body with the essential moisture it requires to remain alert and healthy.