My trip to Ibiza


New Member
So, in 4 days I'll be going to Ibiza for the first time with the lads (9 of us altogether) and we're staying in the Brisa Hotel can anyone that's been there recently tell me what it's like? During the day and possibly bringing people back at night? Also is 2 thousand enough for 10 days? We're big into music so Superclubs will be the main priority. One last thing what's the story with getting to and from Superclubs and also getting tickets during the day for the Superclubs? Cheers
Catch the Disco Bus from the main bus garage in San An. It's about 3 euros I think. There are usually free buses going as well - the ticket sellers can give you info on these. Or look on the flyers that are going around. Plenty of places to buy tickets during the day. Try the West End. Your hotel reception might sell them also. Obviously if you already know what nights you want to go to, you can get your tickets in advance on here.
Disco bus is free with a ticker isn't it? Used to be anyway, if the queues look likely to piss you off just jump in a cab 3 per car won't be more then 10e each then and won't have to put up with the crush ;)
2000 euro would be alright if you plan to have days off where you don't need to spend much. £2000 is defo enough, be careful though the first few days with 2 grand in your pocket while you're feeling like a king will see your cash evaporate into the wilderness if you aren't careful :D
Most hotels aren't keen on letting in non guests in my experience especially after a big night, some don't even like letting in non guests during the day although that's not a bad thing as could be people on the rob walking about :rolleyes:
I get tickets on the island cause plans can change quickly in Ibiza :cool: some prefer to take with buying on here so up to you, lastly please stop calling them super clubs ffs :mad::p