My last dilemma!


New Member
Ok guys help me out.
I'm gonna book a flight on sunday and my only dilemma is if I should book to the 6th or the 12th of june...I can make another 200euros if I leave on the 12th but I'm fearing that would be to late to find a job...what do you guys think!?
Help me out...


most jobs will require u to have a work permit... ya best go to the police station in ibiza and get one... it opens about 7am if i remember correctly and they only serve around 40 people a day... i heard that u now have to go their to get an appointment first so that might work out easier so u don't have to queue then get turned away..
You should be able to get a job after the 12th if you are serious about it. Ask everyone, go to the ship just generally be about so when something pops up you are there. It's a long summer and you've got all of it to party so enjoy the opening parties but not too much as the closing parties are even better apparantley, left early sept to start a job, wish I hadn't now apparently silicone soul @ DC10 closing was awesome and no longer at the job. All through June and especially the end just when rent is due you get drop outs for whatever reason, partying to hard, spent all their money and because june is quiet PRs don't earn much they don't have rent only a ticket home so jobs and shared appartments do become available . I know it's probably not what you want to hear, a bit sensible but what would you rather 1 month hard party and home or 4 months quality party.
I didnt quite understand what you said but I'm leaving at sunday and I will have around 1200euros and I will look for every kind of job they could offer...I really don't mind! I did worse! I was in the army hehe ;)
Hmm so everything is sorted...can anyone help me with a nice and cheap hostel near the westend...I need to stay for couple of nights and maybe meet someone there.
I wanted to go to catalina cafe del mar but it cost too much for 1 person...
there is a bar above mega music store on west end that has rooms available and they aren't bad at all... last year he was charging 20 euro a night but u can get it for 100 euro a week if u haggle him and pay up front...
Hmmm cheers mate...u think it wont be full right now?
I think I need few days only till I find an accom...
good look finding work and that :=) Im sure u will ahve no probs even if u come a bit later on and my experience is load up with as much cash as u can before u come (clubs aint cheap here!!)

as for a decent hostel - i wud go to city central, its in between cafe del mar and west end and was only 10 a night when we were there, although u cant stay all summer - bu this means theyre likely to have rooms when u go. cheap as chips!

central city was pretty expensive? isn't that the one with air con etc??

the hostel above the mega music may or may not be full i dunno m8... but i do know u will find a place to stay - have u tried searching in google for hostels in ibiza? ya should have done a package deal with a travel agent.. i know thomson were giving 2 weeks with flights and accom and transfer in ibiza for £175.. just miss ur return flight home and it also gives u 2 weeks to find a place without having to worry...
Well I'm from israel and we don't have deals this year...
Last year I came for a week and I could have stayed for another one while missing the flight and moving it to the next week.
I got a normal flight via madrid and this ticket is for 2months but it could last for 1 year...I'm leaving in the middle of august which is a shame but I'm gonna start studing in an uni so will see.

I will try that one in westend and if its full I will try and find other places...I'm sure if the place is full they will tell me where to go hehe...


work has been so hard to find this year appointments for your n.i.e numbers are takin up to six weeks to get and its hard to find someone who will employ you without one!
holly B said:
work has been so hard to find this year appointments for your n.i.e numbers are takin up to six weeks to get and its hard to find someone who will employ you without one!

Agreed.... work has been hard to find and is going to be even harder if you aint got an nie mosh...some places in the west end may take you on for pr'ing as its illegal anyway, best of luck to you mate hope it works out
Impossible. You have to be a member of the EU to recieve an NIE. To gain a legal work visa, your employer has to submit paperwork to the government proving that your skillset does not exist in the already legal pool of EU workers. And that takes months and loads of money. Obviously the process is geared towards professionals and corporations.

You have to find a non-contract job which can be assigned to anyone. Most clubs have 2 types of PR employees: 1 - employed directly w/ the club, they hand out fliers and chat to people (contract), and 2 - assigned to a specific nite, they do word-of-mouth advertising (non-contract). You gotta figure that there are a slew of people who are looking for work who can be brought on legally SO if you're without NIE it's going to be harder and you may have to settle.

Good luck.