my first ibiza season!


New Member
Hola guys!
This is gonna be my first season aswell as my first time in ibiza and although im finding this site fab, i might need your help! :confused:

Im planning on coming out around the 21st may on a holiday, kinda safety net while i hunt for jobs. just wondering if theres anyone out there who needs 2 roomies untill roughly mid august (start college end of). Me & my mate are heading out together so if you hear of bar staff jobs for me & dj jobs for Lisa id be mega chuffed to hear.

Oh, if theres any other stuff you guys might think i need to know then fire away!!

Muchio cheerio!! 8)

p.s incase flatmates need to know, im 24 & Lisas 21 & we're both mad gals from edinburgh!!!! ;)
ship in

in the west end theres a pub called the ship in. they have a list of bar jobs (an more) all around san antonio a lot of them that provide you with accommodation. This is the best place to look. there will be loadsa work if you are heading out in may

have fun!

amy :)
Hey Amy!

cheers for that fab advice. its just under 2weeks now & its getting mega scary!! :eek: managed to get a holiday booked staying in san an for a week so at least theres no panic when we first land!

Hope your cool!!

8) Debs