My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

West London Shadow

Active Member
Fascinating viewing...

A few questions:

Where are all the men?

Where does the money come from to pay for the discreet weddings?

How did the scouse bird get the monopoly on pikey weddings?

Why do most have strong Dublin accents despite generations of living in Britain?

Anyway, I'm off for a spot of grabbing ...
And, why does nobody wear a seat belt in any vehicle?

After watching Sky Sports and this programme it gives the term "Smash and Grab" a whole new meaning :)
hahaha love that first post, did make me chuckle :lol:

The programme does make for some seriously interesting viewing, albeit very shocking.

As for where are all the blokes in it, probably out thieving stuff to fund their tacky weddings :lol:
you never see a pikey wearing glasses and the men don`t wear underpants or boxers they think it wil make them infertille..i think the inbreeding should look after that.
Many years ago when the travelling fair was in town, my brother had his seven ton wagon nicked. Whilst going through the details with the police, they said "The fair lads (travellers, gypsies, call then what you like) will have the engine from you wagon running the waltzers by now, we have more chance of finding Lord Lucan than your vehicle!"

Maybe the police were being discriminatory, but were probably talking from experience too!
The one thing that really fascinates me on this programme is how s*aggy the girls dance and dress yet they arent s*ags??? Like you could not get a bunch of people dress MORE provacatively or flirty yet act like nunns until they get married?

Baffles me :eek:
The one thing that really fascinates me on this programme is how s*aggy the girls dance and dress yet they arent s*ags??? Like you could not get a bunch of people dress MORE provacatively or flirty yet act like nunns until they get married?

Baffles me :eek:

Cannot agree more with what you say there, very odd....

Gotta admire the no sex before marriage tho :lol:
I think the point is they dress like that because they think it will land them a husband when they hit that 16 milestone.

weird to us? maybe, in fact definitely - I mean we're talking about vulgar people from the cesspit of society with no aspirations, no education - a wrong 'un culture invariably wronged itself by the mainstream for centuries and with no real hope of ever breaking that vicious circle. The few things they have to cling on to, big occasions, famileee, breeding - that's all they have left.

despite the brutality and criminality - I feel sorry for the decent ones who genuinely want to preserve their identity but are thwarted at every turn by people's prejudices and ancient land law. it's a chicken and egg - not helped by zero trust on either side.

fascinating series - perhaps should have distinguished between the irish tinkers and the euro-descent gypsies more - it will be sad for ALL of them if the programme only hardens the stereotypes
fascinating series - perhaps should have distinguished between the irish tinkers and the euro-descent gypsies more - it will be sad for ALL of them if the programme only hardens the stereotypes

Funny you end on that note, i was listening to kiss this morning and they said that the gypos wernt impressed with how channel 4 'perceived' the way in which gypsies are...

Errrr hello the camera doesnt lie and you lot certanly didnt do yourselves any favours :rolleyes:
More to the point, how can that much in-breeding with pig ugly toothless men produce such a high ratio of fitties??!!