Muzic for us?


New Member
Hi Folks
We will be leaving the African continent for a few days hols(13July to 18July) on Ibiza. Reading through all the threads, we are preparing ourselves for a friggin big one.
A few things though:
I am a ageing(but young 51) muso , still rockin the pubs and clubs and I have a 10yr old son (10 turning 18, aspiring muso, grown up with my older sons both working in eUROPE).
Where will we be able to hang out to listen to the vast selection of music around the island, as I see the clubs are no under 18. He so wants to experience some top DJ's house etc.
Also, is there a bus that runs from the airport to San Antonio or do we havta catch a taxi.
Are there buses that go from SAn to Ibiza town and maybe anywhere else around the island( not much info
Any1 stayed at the Sol BAy apts.???

Any info appreciated, thanx

hi there first of all, whilst your lad cant go in the clubs, it is no problem to listen to the top djs doing early sets on the sunset strip such as mambo ,coastline ect..i assume you mean sol bay apartments along the bay of san antonio, the bay is great for families , all ages are welcome in the majority of pubs and discos, definately until midnight..try out mari pins, sgt peppers and of course my pub pink panther, also many more to try...BUSES the new bus terminal in san antonio centre is open now, and it was announced there would be a direct bus service to and from the airport, but when you arrive , i think it would be much easier to take a cab direct to your hotel, around 25 euros..because you would still need to get cab or bus around the bay. probably end up costing 12 euros with bus fares too.. saves the hassle getting on and off with cases.. there is a regular bus sevice to ibiza town centre 24 hours.. hope this helps xxxx love sue