MP4 Movies


Active Member
Hey guys wanted to use your wealth of knowledge.

I want to maybe put a couple of movies on my iphone for Ibiza.


1) how can i put a dvd i have bought on to my iphone ? Do i need software and can this be done for free ?

2) is there a site where i can jst download mp4 movies ( prefrably for free) and just use itunes to put on my phone ?

Thanks in advance guys !
Hey guys wanted to use your wealth of knowledge.

I want to maybe put a couple of movies on my iphone for Ibiza.


1) how can i put a dvd i have bought on to my iphone ? Do i need software and can this be done for free ?

2) is there a site where i can jst download mp4 movies ( prefrably for free) and just use itunes to put on my phone ?

Thanks in advance guys !

i use isquint for the mac to rip dvd to ipod sized movies. (320px wide mp4 format) takes a while to rip tho, but that depends on the speed of yr comp.