Moving to Ibiza within a year


New Member
Hey All-

My name is Stuart. I visited Ibiza for the first time last April and I fell in love with everything Ibiza - so I want to move to Ibiza and spend the winter months there - like October 1 thru April 1..... or something like that.

I am from the US and I own my own software company which people here run and I can work remotely. I was also thinking about picking up a job computer programming or cooking (as I have 10 years ecperience as a chef) - mostly just so I can meet as many cool people as I can.

I am looking for a place (apartment or whatever) that I can hook up for the winter months on an ongoing basis.... like for several years.

I will need to have HIGH SPEED INTERNET in order to make the move. That's pretty much it. I don't care where in Ibiza I live - I know that anywhere would be awesome.

I am a duel citizen of the US and UK, so I have an EU passport.

Anybody have any advice????


i can't see you having any problems as people will be falling all over themselves to rent you an apartment in winter, and for very reasonable rates. you'd have to organise your own adsl/phone line (it's 512 here) but i'd forget about picking up a job as a chef as in the winter season jobs are already well spoken for. do you speak spanish or catalan?