Moving to Ibiza for Summer 2012 - Advice?


New Member
Me and my friend are planning to move to Ibiza for May time next year but have nooo idea where to start.

Obviously we need to find accomodation and a job but is there anything else I'm missing out that I need that I might not know about...any tips?

I need a starting point and to be honest, we're both pretty clueless haha So any advice wouldn't go a miss. Any one got any useful links to cheap apartments in San Antonio bay?

Me and my friend are planning to move to Ibiza for May time next year but have nooo idea where to start.

Obviously we need to find accomodation and a job but is there anything else I'm missing out that I need that I might not know about...any tips?

I need a starting point and to be honest, we're both pretty clueless haha So any advice wouldn't go a miss. Any one got any useful links to cheap apartments in San Antonio bay?


I'm in the exact same position as you! we're just making sure we have some saved up before we get there and enough money for flights home if worse comes to worse ! From what ive been told you just need to sort everything once your out there but its best to get there early :)
If you are working. you will have to get a Spanish N.I.E sorted in order to work. Some places will still take you on without an N.I.E, but you wont get a contract, so have no rights.

In terms of accomodation, loads of workers apartments available in San An. Best bet, check out the Ship In (Back of west end, San An) information board. Get talking to people aswell as people are always looking for flat mates.

Enjoy yourself, dont blow all your money in the first week, pace yourself if you intend to stay until September, and dont panic if you dont get a job asap, as people leave constantly.

Hope this helps a bit.
see you in wonderland

look us up mate, we're always up for play ;) have lots of Ibiza contacts and connections where anything can and does happen

see you in wonderland

mike / +34 646 355 095