Motorway Hard Shoulder

Drive on hard shoulder - 3 points, £60 fine

Stop on hard shoulder - £30 fine

and ironically,

Pedestrian on hard shoulder - £30 fine
Good man.

People like that drive me mad (no pun intended)

I've thought about starting a website here to name and shame people who block roadways with their bad parking. Major issue around here.
Its just a general disregard for the Law and Safety. You see stuff like this all the time and when they get dished out a long one they feel hard done to.

Forums everywhere with peeps moaning about getting "done" for what they think are petty offences.

"Boo Hoo, Ive had a 3 pointer off the filth and my car insurance has gone up. They must have better things to do"

Thing is with this, is that they will all get away with it.
lol. it does annoy me greatly when this happens, how some people think they are above motoring law.
I cant view the video, as you tube is blocked at work :evil:

But just to add to the thread....

I could NOT believe what i saw on Friday when we all got diverted off the M25....a bloke in a small fan reversing up the hard shoulder, on a bend, at the start of the junction that we all detoured off, people were looking on in sheer disbelief :spank: