I only recommend it if you are an experienced bike driver.
The roads are very busy and there's lots of distracted tourists who are not sure where are they going and who are not the best friends for a bike.
The asphalt is very sliding and most moppeds to rent have small wheels which makes still easier to fell dwon
A mopped it's not a bicicle, if you are not experienced it can be very dangerous
... I did manage to fall of it
twice on 10min after hireing it ...
you should contact the guys from the guiness book of worldrecords:
worlds biggest club: privilege
worlds fastest moped-faller: kay_d92
only 20 tho so dnt think they will let me.
if you are only 20,you can't have a car in ibiza...you need to be 21 to rent a car...
I've ridden motorbikes all over the world but I wouldn't ride one here!
i take it you have never been to india....no such a thing as traffic lights there and traffic is just an obstruction that needs to moved please