Money Exchange Bandits


Active Member
If you are changing money up when you get here be careful.
I just went to change £600 in one of the exchange places in Santa Eulalia and got handed 620 Euros.
I'm like ''what the f*ck do you call that?''
The small print in her office says commission rate of 17cents per Euro. A 17% chunk.
Means that they are taking 102 euros commision.

This is one more thing on the Island that should be illegal.

The place is expensive enough as it is without these bandits giving it the impression of being even more so.
so basically you didnt bother checking what the comission rates were - why didnt you just say "er no thanks, i'll go somewhere else" ?

This is one more thing on the Island that should be illegal.

what are the other things that should be illegal ?

when i went into a pub last year in london they wanted to charge me 4ukp for a pint and over 5 pounds for a packet of fags - i thought - "i know i'll buy a packet of cutters choice tobacco - its only 2.50euros in ibiza" - imagine my surprise when i was forced to hand over nearly 10 quid for the same packet in london

that should be illegal....

The place is expensive enough as it is without these bandits giving it the impression of being even more so.

no you're just an idiot for paying that
wow youre harsh mr i k! granted you should check but people expect to be charged some commision but not that much! :confused:

possibly ;)

the point is that you can go anywhere in the world and get sh1t exchange - there are places in santa eulalia that dont charge commission on exchange - its like moaning that you paid over the odds for a hire car because you couldnt be arsed to do your homework and blame the locals for your failure
you obviously haven't been arsed to do your homework on our forum rules regarding behaviour to other members.

ten times in the margin please ' i can make my point with recourse to personal insults'
you obviously haven't been arsed to do your homework on our forum rules regarding behaviour to other members.

ten times in the margin please ' i can make my point with recourse to personal insults'

i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults
i can make my point without recourse to personal insults

so basically you didnt bother checking what the comission rates were - why didnt you just say "er no thanks, i'll go somewhere else" ?

what are the other things that should be illegal ?

when i went into a pub last year in london they wanted to charge me 4ukp for a pint and over 5 pounds for a packet of fags - i thought - "i know i'll buy a packet of cutters choice tobacco - its only 2.50euros in ibiza" - imagine my surprise when i was forced to hand over nearly 10 quid for the same packet in london

that should be illegal....

no you're just an idiot for paying that

Actually I'm far from being an idiot thank you very much.
When realising commision rate I refused to complete the transaction.

I'm not going to get in any slanging match with you or respond to your abuse with like. I think you have just shown yourself to not be really worth the bother.

I think it is wrong to charge 17% commision.
If somewhere is going to do so, then they should make everyone aware of the fact and not try and disguise it by having it written behind the counter on the smallest piece of paper in the smallest print as ''commision 0.17 c per 1E ''.
I know for somebody with your obvious superior intelligence it would totally clear, however some tourists are not as gifted and could be fooled in thinking that the £ and euro are running at parity. Thus giving the impression the the prices are even higher than they actually are. That must be bad for tourism.

Other things I think should be illegal ?

Charging more than 5 euros for water in clubs.
Beach vending without a licence (probably is)
Club's beach parades who have airhorns and wake everybody up.
Actually I'm far from being an idiot thank you very much.
When realising commision rate I refused to complete the transaction.

good on you - why didnt you say that ?

i'm not going to get in any slanging match with you or respond to your abuse with like. I think you have just shown yourself to not be really worth the bother.

I think it is wrong to charge 17% commision.

i agree

If somewhere is going to do so, then they should make everyone aware of the fact and not try and disguise it by having it written behind the counter on the smallest piece of paper in the smallest print as ''commision 0.17 c per 1E ''.
I know for somebody with your obvious superior intelligence it would totally clear, however some tourists are not as gifted and could be fooled in thinking that the £ and euro are running at parity. Thus giving the impression the the prices are even higher than they actually are. That must be bad for tourism.

and everywhere else in the world is a paragon of virtue ?

Other things I think should be illegal ?

Charging more than 5 euros for water in clubs.

i refuse pay 12 euros for a bottle of beer in clubs, i refuse to pay 10 euros for a tiny bottle of water in clubs, - i also refuse to pay stupid amounts of money to get into those clubs - however its fairly easy to find bars where you dont have to do that

i can buy a 1.5l bottle of water here in the local supermarket for about 30uk pence - how much is it in waitrose et al - how much is a small bottle of water in london, leeds, manchester clubs ?

Beach vending without a licence (probably is)

a simple sentance: cd's & dvd's at uk markets ??

Club's beach parades who have airhorns and wake everybody up.

if i could stop the w4nkers who ride around on their mopeds (all year round) after modifying their exhausts with the sole intent on pi55sing everyone off i would

look - you got hacked off because someone wanted to charge you 17% commission on an exchange - and you made it out to be just an ibiza thing - that was your intention - when i point out, albietly sarcastily, that it happens everywhere you take offense

its sooo easy to blame other people - if you're going to have a go at another country then look at your own first....
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Even though I am not Ibicican or Spanish for that matter I have lived on the Island for about 10 years. This is my doorstep.
I care about Ibiza.
I am not complaining about Ibiza. I am complaining about certain things which are bad for Ibiza's image.
A very small amount of people who doing things which are detrimental to the well being of the Island bother me.
I am not upset because somebody took 17% of my money. They didn't.
I am upset because of all the other tourists who unaware of this and are wondering why they are getting through money quicker than they should.
Ibiza's economy is based almost entirley on tourism. There should be certain considerations that are particular to the Island with this in mind.
Even though I am not Ibicican or Spanish for that matter I have lived on the Island for about 10 years. This is my doorstep.
I care about Ibiza.
I am not complaining about Ibiza. I am complaining about certain things which are bad for Ibiza's image.
A very small amount of people who doing things which are detrimental to the well being of the Island bother me.
I am not upset because somebody took 17% of my money. They didn't.
I am upset because of all the other tourists who unaware of this and are wondering why they are getting through money quicker than they should.
Ibiza's economy is based almost entirley on tourism. There should be certain considerations that are particular to the Island with this in mind.

i am not arguing with anything youve said there - i completely agree

I am upset because of all the other tourists who unaware of this and are wondering why they are getting through money quicker than they should.

the point is that this is not a sole ibiza thing - i'd love to see what manchester, leeds, london residents etc say to complaining tourists about how their bureau de changes behave ;) - but that doesnt happen because we're a small island and everything gets polarised - how many londoners bitched about boris johnson as their new mayor - about as many who whinged that dc10 has been shut.... ;)

the price of london hotels, the price of eating out, the price of drinks, food blah blah etc etc - perspective....